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Json data?
I searched around in the forums - I couldn't find anything. Is there any easy way, to get datapoints out of JSON formatted data?
I have this data ---
{"s0": {"status":"2", "enabledSensors":"964691456", "sensorName":"Testing", "nodeAddress":"beef" ,"dio9": "1" ,"dio10": "1" ,"batteryVoltage": " 0.00" ,"internalTemp": " 0.00" ,"dr1048temp": "0" ,"dr1048humid": "0" ,"dr1048light": "0"
I'm interested in S0->dio9, "1".
I've got a regex express to grab dio9, but what if I have more than 1 s0?
Anyone have any experience getting json data?
Have you looked at import/export?
The data is on a webserver - I can sort of grab it via regex on a http retriever -
Ah, when you said "datapoints" i thought you meant the creation of a point based upon external data. If you're just grabbing readings, http retriever should do it, yeah.
I want to pull data off an inverter, which replies to http GETS in JSON
Here is the manual for the device
I can see this could kind of work using the regex, but is there an easier way?
Regex is the only way at the moment. Of course, a data source could be built probably easily.