Downloading Data Points
I'm trying to figure out how download a csv file of some data points with curl or wget to be presented on a different system. The customViewExample.jsp only provides four examples and I can't figure out how to retrieve historical data.
A csv file can be manually downloaded from the watch list or reports but I need to automate the download process.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@Victorino said:
I'm trying to figure out how download a csv file of some data points with curl or wget to be presented on a different system. The customViewExample.jsp only provides four examples and I can't figure out how to retrieve historical data.
A csv file can be manually downloaded from the watch list or reports but I need to automate the download process.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a script which can save the .csv file attached to an e-mail. then you can set up a report to be e-mailed and then retrieve the data using POP3.
You have to set up a scheduled report which send the data via email, then this script checks the e-mail and saves the attached CSV file. It has been working well for me.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # v1.0 February 2009-August 14th 2009. # # The purpose of this script is to save attachments from emails to an FTP server. # # The targeted attachments are plain text comma separated value (CSV) files. They # are generated by (mango). The subject of the message must match # a format specified in the script. The messages are removed from the POP3 server. # # The script removes some columns and does some quoting and escaping on the data # to make more robust CSV files (ie can handle a , in the data as well as ") # # The script reformats the dates as per the requested format. # # The CSV files are saved locally in localDataDir as well as FTP'd to 2 servers. # An error email is generated if there aren't the correct number and intervals # of data. 15 minute data is expected. ################################################################################ use strict; use Net::FTP; use Mail::POP3Client; use MIME::Parser; use Time::Local; use MIME::Lite; use Text::CSV_XS; # define login credentials for POP3 server to retrieve email from my $pop3Username = ''; my $pop3Password = ""; my $pop3Server = ""; # first FTP server to send CSV files to my $ftpServer = ""; my $ftpPassword = ""; my $ftpUsername = ""; my $ftpDir = "Data"; # second FTP server to send files to my $ftpServer2 = ""; my $ftpPassword2 = ""; my $ftpUsername2 = ""; my $ftpDir2 = ""; # a writeable directory in which to store temporary files my $temp_dir = "/usr/home/foo"; # a writeable directory in which to store a copy of the data that is FTPd my $localDataDir = "/usr/home/foo"; ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ my @csvFile; my $fh; my @tempFiles; my @outFiles; my @wiers; my $time = timelocal( localtime() ); my $error = 0; my $error_text = ""; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; &log("Running Email to FTP script\n"); my $pop = new Mail::POP3Client( USER => $pop3Username, PASSWORD => $pop3Password, HOST => $pop3Server ); my $message = $pop->Message(); if ( !$pop->Alive() ) { $error = 1; &log("Error connecting to POP server $pop3Server\n"); &exitLog( $message . "\n" ); } my $emails = $pop->Count(); &log("Have $emails emails to process\n"); for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= $emails ; $i++ ) { foreach ( my $header = $pop->Head($i) ) { chomp($header); $header =~ /Subject:\s+(.*)/; my $subject = $1; chomp($subject); $subject =~ s/(\r|\n)//g; if ( # $header =~ /From:(.*)scada/ && $header =~ /Subject: (.*) Published FTP Data/ ) { my $wier = $1; $wier =~ s/^\s+//g; $wier =~ s/\/s+$//g; chomp($wier); my $tempFileName = $temp_dir . $time . "-" . $i; open( $fh, ">$tempFileName" ) or &errorlog("Can't open temp file $tempFileName for saving pop3 mail message body: $!\n "); $pop->RetrieveToFile( $fh, $i ); close $fh; push( @tempFiles, $tempFileName ); push( @wiers, "$wier" ); &log("Matched email $i subject $subject. Saved message for $wier\n"); # delete message from server since we have saved it to temp file $pop->Delete($i); } else { &log( "leaving non matching message " . $subject . "\n" ); } } } $pop->Close(); # ok now we have retrieved file which is a multipart mime mess. foreach my $tempFile (@tempFiles) { my $wier = shift @wiers; if ( $wier !~ /\w+/ ) { $wier = "defaultSource"; $error = 1; &log("ERROR: unable to parse report name from subject. Using default\n" ); } my $mp = new MIME::Parser; $mp->tmp_to_core(1); $mp->output_to_core(1); my $fh2; open( $fh2, "$tempFile" ) or &errorLog("Couldn't open saved email message $tempFile , $!\n"); $mp->output_dir($temp_dir); my $entity = $mp->parse($fh2); #$entity->dump_skeleton(); foreach my $part ( $entity->parts ) { my $head = $part->head; my $type = $head->mime_type; my $filename = $head->recommended_filename; if ( $type eq "text/csv" ) { if ( !$part->bodyhandle ) { &errorLog("ERROR: unable to get MIME bodyhandle for CSV content-part\n"); next; } if ( $filename =~ /Events\.csv$/ ) { &log("Skipping events file $filename\n"); next; } @csvFile = $part->bodyhandle->as_lines; &log( "processing file \"$filename\", has " . ( $#csvFile + 1) . " lines.\n" ); # now have an array of arrays(which are the lines in the csv file) # want to leave some columns out, which have the heading "annotation" my @keepFields; if (defined($csvFile[0])) { # this is the first line in the csv file which is the heading. my @fields = split( ",", $csvFile[0] ); my $fieldNo = 0; foreach my $field (@fields) { if ($field !~ /Annotation/) { #this is a column we want to keep push(@keepFields, $fieldNo); #&log("keeping column $fieldNo $field\n"); } $fieldNo++; } } #my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new (); # create a new object my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ({allow_loose_quotes => 1, escape_char => "\\"}); # create a new object my @newCsvFile; my $lastMinute=""; my $thisMinute=""; my $lastInterval=""; my $lineNo = 0; foreach my $line (@csvFile) { $line =~ s/(\r|\n)//g; # strip new lines my $status = $csv->parse($line); # parse a CSV string into fields my @fields = $csv->fields(); # get the parsed fields # files come with wrong dateformat. change it to as requested. # comes as "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" # change to "yyyyMMdd HHmmss" # just parse out / and : if (!defined($fields[0])) { &errorLog("undefined date field. csv parse status was $status. skipping rest of file."); &errorLog("data: parsed $fields[0] from $line\n"); last; # skip the rest of this file. } my $newdate = $fields[0]; if ($lineNo > 0 && $filename !~ /UserComments\.csv$/ ) { # on rows other than the header, make sure that this interval is 15 minutes ahead of the last one $newdate =~ /\d+\/\d+\/\d+\s+\d+:(\d+):\d+/; $thisMinute = $1; my $dateOK = 0; if ($lastMinute ne "" ) { # not the first time through the loop. if ($lastMinute eq "00" && $thisMinute eq "15") { $dateOK = 1; } if ($lastMinute eq "15" && $thisMinute eq "30") { $dateOK = 1; } if ($lastMinute eq "30" && $thisMinute eq "45") { $dateOK = 1; } if ($lastMinute eq "45" && $thisMinute eq "00") { $dateOK =1; } if ($dateOK != 1) { &missingInterval($lastInterval, $newdate, $lineNo); } } $lastMinute = "$thisMinute"; $lastInterval = "$newdate"; } $newdate =~ s/\///g; $newdate =~ s/://g; $fields[0] = $newdate; my @columns; push(@columns, $fields[0]); for (my $x = 1; $x <= $#keepFields; $x++) { push(@columns, $fields[$keepFields[$x]]); } $status = $csv->combine (@columns); # combine columns into a string my $csvLine = $csv->string (); # get the combined string push(@newCsvFile, $csvLine . "\n"); $lineNo++; } if ( defined($newCsvFile[1]) ) { my @fields = split( ",", $newCsvFile[1] ); my $firstFileDate = $fields[0]; #&log("Have $firstFileDate as date from $newCsvFile[1]\n"); # remove leading spaces just in case, then remove all numbers (the time) after a space $firstFileDate =~ s/\"//g; $firstFileDate =~ s/^\s+//g; $firstFileDate =~ s/ \d+//g; &validate(@newCsvFile); my $outFileName; if ( $filename =~ /UserComments\.csv$/ ) { #this is a user comments file $outFileName = $wier . "-UserComments-$firstFileDate.csv"; } else { # it isn't an events file as we skipped those, so it must be wier data $outFileName = $wier . "-" . $firstFileDate . ".csv"; if ( $#newCsvFile != 96 ) { &errorLog("$outFileName had $#newCsvFile rows instead of 96.\n"); } } $outFileName = $localDataDir . $outFileName; my $ofh; open( $ofh, ">" . $outFileName ) or &exitLog("Couln't open $localDataDir/$outFileName for writing: $!\n" ); print $ofh @newCsvFile; close $ofh; push( @outFiles, $outFileName ); &log("wrote csv file $outFileName successfully.\n"); } else { if ( $filename !~ /UserComments\.csv$/ ) { &errorLog("skipping csv file with less than 2 lines ($#newCsvFile): $filename\n"); } } # end if more than 1 lines in CSV file } # end if type was csv } # end for mime part unlink($tempFile); } # next tempfile (email message) if (@outFiles > 0) { if ($error == 0) { # ok now ftp the files away. my $ftp = Net::FTP->new( $ftpServer, Debug => 0 ) or &exitLog("Cannot connect to $ftpServer: $@"); $ftp->login( $ftpUsername, $ftpPassword ) or &exitLog( "Cannot login to FTP " . $ftp->message ); $ftp->cwd($ftpDir); foreach my $outFile (@outFiles) { my $remoteFileSize = $ftp->size($outFile); if ( defined($remoteFileSize) ) { if ( $remoteFileSize > 0 ) { # file exists, let's assume we are replacing it and delete the old one $ftp->delete($outFile); &log("file exists on FTP, deleting the old $outFile\n"); } } if ( $ftp->put("$outFile") ) { &log("uploaded $outFile to $ftpServer.\n"); } } $ftp->quit(); } # do for mirror regardless of error. # ok now ftp the files away. my $ftp2 = Net::FTP->new( $ftpServer2, Debug => 0 ) or &exitLog("Cannot connect to $ftpServer2: $@"); $ftp2->login( $ftpUsername2, $ftpPassword2 ) or &exitLog( "Cannot login to FTP " . $ftp2->message ); $ftp2->cwd($ftpDir2); foreach my $outFile (@outFiles) { my $remoteFileSize = $ftp2->size($outFile); if ( defined($remoteFileSize) ) { if ( $remoteFileSize > 0 ) { # file exists, let's assume we are replacing it and delete the old one $ftp2->delete($outFile); &log("file exists on FTP, deleting the old $outFile\n"); } } if ( $ftp2->put("$outFile") ) { &log("uploaded $outFile to $ftpServer2.\n"); } } $ftp2->quit(); } if ($error) { &exitLog("Script completed but with errors. Data NOT uploaded FTP2.\n"); } sub log { my $logText = shift; my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon++; if ( $sec < 10) { $sec = "0" . $sec; } if ( $min < 10) { $min = "0" . $min; } if ( $hour < 10) { $hour = "0" . $hour; } if ( $mday < 10) { $mday = "0" . $mday; } if ( $mon < 10) { $mon = "0" . $mon; } my $logTime = $year . "-" . $mon . "-$mday $hour:$min:$sec "; # open(FH, ">>" . $submissionPath . "submissionLog.txt") or warn "couldn't open logfile in $submissionPath: $!\n" ;# print $logTime . $logText ; $error_text .= $logTime . $logText ; # close FH; } sub errorLog { my $errText = shift; # set global error flag. $error = 1; &log("ERROR: " . $errText); } sub exitLog { my $reason = shift; &log($reason); # send an email! MIME::Lite->send( 'smtp', $pop3Server, Timeout => 60, AuthUser => $pop3Username, AuthPass => $pop3Password ); my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From => '', To => '', # Cc =>'', Subject => ' data FTP script error', Data => "This email is automatically generated by the script which uploads the data to the FTP server daily. It is only meant to be sent if there was a problem. You may have to manually upload the data!\n\n\n$error_text" ); $msg->send(); print $error_text; exit; } sub missingInterval { my $lastInterval = shift; my $thisInterval = shift; my $lineNo = shift; &log("Missing or incorrect interval at line # $lineNo : $lastInterval, $thisInterval\n"); $error =1; }