Modbus exception...
Hi everybody, since a couple of day, I have the message below when I start MANGO application (after a cold start and manual MANGO starting) :
I'm not sure for all the words, but seems to be the correct...
Someone can help me ?Phil
The data source appears to be trying to send a message to the modbus equipment, and is not getting a response.
Following the last message, now I've the message :
com.serotonin.modbus4j.exception.ModbusTransportException:'ve check the slave, and with another application, it works...
Any idea ?Phil
I've found why this error appears.
In fact, it's due to a strange mapping of modbus registers.
Now all is clear, I'll modify my data points in order to retreive values.
You were right in your previous reply !!!Thanks again,
Good to hear. Thanks for following up.