Point variable use index
when I have maybe 10 datapoint's xid like "DP_c01_temperature" "DP_c02_temperature" ... "DP_c10_temperature"
I want use ng-repeat to get 1 to 10 index code like this
<div ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(10) track by index"> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_c{{index}}_temperature" point="c{{index}}_temperature"></ma-get-point-value> <div class="value">C{{index}} Temperature: <span ng-bind="c{{index}}_temperature.value"></span></div> </div>
but point in console Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token '{' is an unexpected token at column 4 of the expression [c{{index}}_temperature] starting at [{{index}}_temperature].
How can I fix it ?
@sean said in Point variable use index:
<div ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(10) track by index">
<ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_c{{index}}_temperature" point="c{{index}}_temperature"></ma-get-point-value>
<div class="value">C{{index}} Temperature: <span ng-bind="c{{index}}_temperature.value"></span></div>
</div>Right idea, wrong execution:
You cannot make a point variable from a text string.
Use an object on init. Assuming your constructor generates a list of integers...<div ng-init="pts={}"><!-- create storage object for point items --> <div ng-repeat="idx in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] track by $index"> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_c{{idx}}_temperature" point="pts['c'+idx+'_temperature']"></ma-get-point-value><!-- Initialist object index--> <div class="value">C{{idx}} Temperature: <span ng-bind="pts['c{{idx}}_temperature'].value"></span><!-- Bind from established index --></div> </div> </div>
Thank you ! for It working
I got new idea
use component
app.component("pointCom", { bindings: { point: "<", qty: "@", min: "@", max: "@" }, controller: dataController, controllerAs: "dc", template:` <span>Render</span> <div ng-bind-html="dc.sour"> </div> ` }); dataController.$inject = ["$scope"] function dataController($scope){ let dc = this let P = dc.point let Q = dc.qty let min = dc.min let max = dc.max let num = 0 this.$onChanges = function() { let p = dc.point dc.sour = '' max = dc.max num = dc.min console.log(school) if (max !== undefined){ Q = max } else { Q = dc.qty } if (p !== undefined){ for (let i=0; i < Q; i++){ num = Number(num) num = num.pad(3) dc.sour += ` <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_${num}_Meter_kWh" point="c${num}_Meter_kWh"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_${num}_Meter_V" point="c${num}_Meter_V"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_${num}_Meter_A" point="c${num}_Meter_A"></ma-get-point-value> ` num++ } console.log(dc.sour) angular.element(dc.sour) } } Number.prototype.pad = function(size) { let s = String(this) while (s.length < (size || 2)) {s = "0" + s;} return s } }
but in the html dom
just dispear like this pic
how do I fix it?in console.log can see dc.sour
<ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_001_Meter_kWh" point="c001_Meter_kWh"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_001_Meter_V" point="c001_Meter_V"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_001_Meter_A" point="c001_Meter_A"></ma-get-point-value>
Angularjs doesnt let you output html through a variable. That is what templates are for. You need to tell the controller that the html string is valid and needs to be outputted as part of the template.
Use $sce.trustAsHtml with your html inside the brackets.
Be sure to inject $sce into your controller.
thank you
use $sce can show inside component<ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_001_Meter_kWh" point="c001_Meter_kWh"></ma-get-point-value>
but can't use bind
in other side to see value
how to fix it? -
You are over complicating it.
Use what I wrote originally as your template and rather than adding html and trying to make angular js evaluate it. $sce is for outputting html, not another directive. I should have looked more closely at what you are doing....
increment a counter then make it ng-repeat n times depending on how big your number value is.app.component("pointCom", { bindings: { point: "<", qty: "@", min: "@", max: "@" }, controller: dataController, controllerAs: "dc", template:` <span>Render</span> <div ng-repeat="idx in dc.sour track by $index"> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_{{idx}}_Meter_kWh" point="dc.pts['c'+idx+'_Meter_kWh']"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_{{idx}}_Meter_V" point="dc.pts['c'+idx+'_Meter_V']"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_{{idx}}_Meter_A" point="dc.pts['c'+idx+'_Meter_A']"></ma-get-point-value> </div> ` }); dataController.$inject = ["$scope"] function dataController($scope){ let dc = this let P = dc.point let Q = dc.qty let min = dc.min let max = dc.max let num = 0 this.$onChanges = function() { let p = dc.point dc.sour = [] max = dc.max num = dc.min console.log(school) if (max !== undefined){ Q = max } else { Q = dc.qty } if (p !== undefined){ for (let i=0; i < Q; i++){ num = Number(num) num = num.pad(3) dc.sour.push(num) } console.log(dc.sour) } } Number.prototype.pad = function(size) { let s = String(this) while (s.length < (size || 2)) {s = "0" + s;} return s } }
Try that and see how you go. Haven't tested this