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<ma-point-value>: click to open link
Awesome! Had tried that at first but it hadn't worked. Must have been an error on my side because it now works like a charm. Thanks!
Purely out of interest: could the ng-click parameter get the job done, too? That's where I got stuck:
ng-click=$, '_blank')
Normally yes but I am not certain if $window or $location is injected into the $scope...
Ah, that makes sense. I had tried several syntax variations but none of them opened a new tab.
The solution you suggested still works great, @MattFox! There is just one flaw: We added the "enable popup" option but if one clicks on said popup it opens the link as well as the data point page. The link seems to gets surround the the popop as well. We tried all directions for the popups but only got mixed results. In, the majority of cases the link opens as well and not only the data point page. Would you mind sharing your thoughts on this?
Change the target to a different name. If it's going to be a certain window and that window will always be updated with the same page you click on, I suggest you change the target to
or something to that effect. it should still open in a new tab and only affect that one tab.
Alternatively show me your markup just in case I'm missing the mark here
Fox -
Having tried your suggestion -- thanks! -- I would like to be more specific: The datapoint popups which create an overlay are the troubling ones. "Data point details" opens the proper link (the data point details), but the other ones show the overlay and additionally open a new tab with the link.
Even after restructuring thrice the problem description sounds odd. Apologies for that. Maybe the code helps...
<a href="http://localhost:8080/ui/watch-list/" target="pointdata"> <ma-point-value style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 350px; width: 90px; height: 40px;" enable-popup="right" quick-info="false" point-xid="internal_mango_num_data_points"></ma-point-value> </a>
If I am correct... You want the popup to show the details and not open in another tab???
I'll play with your markup in the morning. It's 930pm Friday here and my head feels a bit "light". If needs be perhaps we can look at building you a bit of custom dashboard code to help you accomplish the overall behaviour that you desire.Fox
That is all more than alright; please enjoy your weekend as much as you can in these strange times! The main use is that the user can click on the data point and be led to a different page. Popup with data point details is already bonus functionality. Thinking about it this way, it would even be an option to disable the bubbles for "statistics", "chart", "value table", and "point events". My users would likely not miss them ... no overlays, no problem.
Have a nice weekend!
I'll have a tinker, I like a challenge.
Besides, when you work in IT, I think we sleep when we're dead hahahaFox
True dat. We sleep when we're dead.
But when we are dad, we sleep as soon as the offspring lets us. At least I do.
Hi Fleh
Here are a couple of options for opening new windows or routing to other UIs. If you use the point value pop-up it will get in the way as you pointed out earlier. Not sure how you will get around that tho.<ma-point-value id="6587a83c-fd89-4838-88d3-87794b8a774b" style="position: absolute; left: 160px; top: 90.9896px;" point-xid="DP_In_d725fd6f-aaad-41b5-8acb-6e408742186b" ui-sref="ui.energyManagment.waterMeterMetaData"></ma-point-value> <ma-point-value id="6587a83c-fd89-4838-88d3-87794b8a774b" style="position: absolute; left: 260px; top: 90.9896px;" point-xid="DP_In_d725fd6f-aaad-41b5-8acb-6e408742186b" onclick="'/ui/watch-list/', '_blank')"> <ma-point-value id="6587a83c-fd89-4838-88d3-87794b8a774b" style="position: absolute; left: 160px; top: 90.9896px;" point-xid="DP_In_d725fd6f-aaad-41b5-8acb-6e408742186b" ui-sref="ui.energyManagment.waterMeterMetaData"></ma-point-value> <ma-point-value id="6587a83c-fd89-4838-88d3-87794b8a774b" style="position: absolute; left: 360px; top: 90.9896px;" point-xid="DP_In_d725fd6f-aaad-41b5-8acb-6e408742186b" onclick="'/ui/watch-list/', 'schedule', 'height=800,width=1024')">
Hi Craig,
sorry for the late reply. I tried the options you cited and learned something new. Nice. But as you already guessed, the original problem persists.
@MattFox kindly developed a user module which extends the code of <ma-point-value> with two fields for "value-anchor" and "anchor-target". With this the popup and the link work properly. While there is a chance that this is feature creep, the modification is much better than the current behaviour which IMHO is a bug.
Anyway: All good now. Many thanks for your comments and help!