libjssc on ARM-- jssc-2.8.0.jar needs to be replaced
Re: RequestError: Unable to load /data_source_properties.shtm?typeId=MODBUS_IP status: 500
This was an issue on earlier Mangos, but the new 3.6 upgrade overwrites the jssc-2.8.0.jar with the version that doesn't work on ARM. I'm using ARM for my data aquisition devices, and if you do the 3.6 upgrade it will re-install the nonworking jssc-2.8.0.jar file. So, you'll need to do what was suggested in Topic 4106 again:
To whit:
apt-get install libjssc-java
cp /usr/share/java/jssc-2.8.0.jar /opt/mango/lib
Otherwise, you get error 500's when trying to edit a data source, and your serial comms won't work on the ARM platform.
The MangoES's are also running on an ARM chipset so it would be worth noting what hardware and OS you are running. From reading the linked thread this seems to be an issue with 64bit kernels.
@Turbo what hardware are you running on? It would be helpful to know what SoC it is. Also the OS.
I believe you're right:
I'm running with with IOT-GATE-iMX7 from CompuLab: is running an NXP i.MX7 CPU, dual-core Cortex-A7
uname -a shows this as:
Linux DMME_Haynesville 4.9.11-cl-som-imx7-5.1 #10 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 3 19:19:22 IDT 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux
Hi Turbo,
That's interesting, that's a 32 bit ARM device this time. Can you post the stack trace that was accompanying the 500 error so we can see if it's the same as the referenced thread?