Limiting date ranges
Quick question, is there a way to limit date ranges a user can pick? I have a situation where I'd like to limit a user to being able to pick only up to the end of last month and nothing this month.
Hi @psysak
The easiest way to this would be to not use the date bar on your page. use a hidden date range picker that doesn't change.
<ma-date-range-picker from="from" to="to" preset="PREVIOUS_MONTH" update-interval="5 seconds" style="display:none"></ma-date-range-picke
You will need to change your chart from and to date to just
You could also just stick something on your page to reset the date range if they try -
<ma-calc input="dateBar.from" on-change="startOfMonth = ('now' | maMoment:'startOf':'month'); $value > startOfMonth && (dateBar.from = startOfMonth.toDate())"></ma-calc> <ma-calc input="" on-change="startOfMonth = ('now' | maMoment:'startOf':'month'); $value > startOfMonth && ( = startOfMonth.toDate())"></ma-calc>