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Drop Down Navigation
I know this is very elementary, but I cannot figure it out. I have searched and tried couple of different CSS and HTML following some tutorial and it results in a list with offset bullets.
I am wanting a button that drops down list of buttons. For example, a button that says "Flouride" and when clicked on, drops "West Plant Flouride" and "East Plant Flouride"
Some help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @sbaik !
If you use dashboards then easiest would be something like that
<div ng-init="flouride = false" ng-show="flouride === false"> <md-button ng-click="flouride = true"> Flouride </md-button> </div> <div ng-show="flouride === true"> <md-button> West Plant Flouride </md-button> <md-button> East Plant Flouride </md-button> </div>
First div is only shown when the first md-button is clicked and after that the two buttons are shown. Variable flouride is in angular $scope and only valid until user goes away from the page.
@thomaseinasto said in Drop Down Navigation:
ng-click="flouride = true"
I was able to piece some stuff together using what you provided and achieve what I wanted.
Thank you for the quick help!
Actually, another question regarding this after implementing it. Here is what I ended up with. I took away the part where it makes the original button disappear and made it a mouse over instead of click. The thing is that the 2 new populated buttons stay unless the page refreshes, or if I use them to navigate. Could I make it time out say after 5 seconds or so? Am I overthinking this? I used a ng-mouseleave and it just flips out and blinks.
<div ng-init="flouride = false"> <ma-button ng-click="flouride = true" raised="true" style="position: absolute; left: 1484px; top: 6px;" palette="primary" label="Flouride"></ma-button> </div> <div ng-show="flouride === true"> <ma-button style="position: absolute; left: 1476px; top: 6px; background-color: rgb(0, 128, 255, 0.9);" ui-sref="flourideWest" label="West Flouride"></ma-button> <ma-button style="position: absolute; left: 1477px; top: 56px; background-color: rgb(0, 128, 255, 0.9);" ui-sref="flourideEast" label="East Flouride"></ma-button> </div>
@sbaik said in Drop Down Navigation:
SS and HTML following some tutorial and it results in a list with offset bullets.
If you're going to go down that route, ensure your css has:
<style> li { list-style:none; } </style>
The beauty of having ng-click events mapped to menu over items is because then you can make your screen compatible with touch devices. ie open menu, close menu.
This is a bit of a hack but keep things simple and utilise the tools already provided:
<!-- Trigger element is a md-button --> <md-menu> <ma-button ng-click="$$event)" class="md-icon-button"label="FLUORIDE" aria-label=FLUORIDE"> </ma-button> <md-menu-content md-menu-align-target="bottom"> <md-menu-item> <ma-button style="background-color: rgb(0, 128, 255, 0.9);" ui-sref="flourideWest" label="West Fluoride"></ma-button></md-menu-item> <md-menu-item><ma-button style="background-color: rgb(0, 128, 255, 0.9);" ui-sref="flourideEast" label="East Fluoride"></ma-button></md-menu-item> </md-menu-content> </md-menu> </div> <style>{ margin-top: 45px !important; } </style>
it's a click to open, simple click off or on the menu button itself to close it.
@mattfox Thank you for taking your time for that!
Anytime, always here to assist.