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Text on gauges
I'm trying to use the ma-gauge-chart and have two issues.
- The text between <ma-gauge-chart> does not seem to display </ma-gauge-chart>. It shows in the editor when I edit it but does not appear on the final displayed page.
- Can you set a units to dosplay with the value?
Peter -
I can tell you that the ma-gauge-chart tag is an angularJS component so it will not show anything between the tags, and thus not be rendered.
Units usually show if you have set the unit field on the individual datapoint under /data_sources.shtm.
Feel free to take screenshots and describe further what you are trying to accomplish.Fox
How to suggest by Matt you can customize your gauge.
<ma-gauge-chart id="4cab95e2-1514-4e14-9edc-4563c92bebf1" style="position: absolute; width: 400px; height: 400px; left: 0px; top: 116px;" point="YOUR_POINT" animate-band-mode="true" arrow-alpha="0" interval="15" value-offset="15" tick-interval="90" tickcolor="#ff0000" band1-color="#ff0000" auto-start="true" auto-end="true" band1-end="90" options="{titles:[{text: 'YourTEXT',size: 15}],axes: [{startAngle: -90, endAngle:90,innerRadius:100}], radius: '105'}" radius="105"></ma-gauge-chart>
You can read the API and this post Gauge styles to realize personalize your gauge.I hope this helps ;) bye @petermcs
Thank you both very much. I've set the units on the data point and it now shows up on the gauge.
The titles/text option puts the title on top which is not where it needs to be so I've just put the gauge in a div with the text after and styled it to center the text which works ok for now...Peter
@petermcs you can move the position of the text with offset properties