Major Errors in Logs, but Everything Seems to Work
MangoES v2
Mango Core 3.2.2+20171009170034 (just updated prior to these problems)
I just updated to the latest Oracle 8 Java 151 (may or may not have anything to do with it)I am seeing 10,000+ errors of this kind as of this morning:
Push: Broken pipe (Write failed) for a Mango Persistent TSP publisher.
Also lots of these in lots sometimes every 10 min, sometimes every few min:
WARN 2017-12-13T09:10:20,001 (com.serotonin.m2m2.util.timeout.TaskRejectionHandler.rejectedTask:75) - Rejected task: Polling Data Source: Commport0_boilers because Task Queue Full
However, Live Data is arriving at the destination of the publisher just fine, because I can see data updates. Also see status:
Point count: 153 Update queue size: 0 Connection: connected at port 57402 Packet queue size: 0 History sync status: completed 0 of 153 point(s), 97 requests sent, 0.0 points/s, total time: 8 minutes, 9 seconds and 679 milliseconds Packets sent during last 5 minutes: 5126
Any idea what's going on?
Yes, it is probably the same issue Aldo had here:
And the same solution will likely work - save the data source again (no need to change anything on that page).
I tried to save it and am getting the error:
Missing method or missing parameter converters
Hmm. That may be your cache or your work folder.
You could export the data source and change
then import it. -
I exported the Publisher, changed that value and now re-imported.
I did another export and as you can see here, the value has stuck:
......etc...... "logCount":1, "logSize":1.0, "maxPointValuesToSend":5000, "parallelSyncTasks":100, "pathPrefix":[ ], "port":9901, ......etc......
I tried to Save, and I was getting the same error.
Then I cleared my browser cache, and I could save without error, though I am still getting:
10:44:26: Push to Main Historian: Broken pipe (Write failed)
Hmm. It's possible that it's caused by another error. If you aren't seeing any, you could try launching Mango from the command line. It's possible the answer is escaping to stderr. If it isn't the pathPrefix being null, my next suspicion would be an invalid configuration on one of the points. But, I would have expected you to have gotten a log message from those things.