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How to change the http sending value parameter
Hi Jose,
What sort of program? There are many ways. You probably want to use the HTTP Receiver data source, then you can set values to HTTP Receiver points through an HTTP GET. Here's a thread where I discussed the format: but the TLDR is that you'd send values with the parameter names as parameters in the /httpds?parameter=value section of the GET.
Alternatively you could have a server socket in that program that can be interrogated for values, in which case I would look into using the TCP/IP data source.
Glad to hear it!
@phildunlap said in How to change the http sending value parameter:
Are you saying there is the text string RESET, ACK, or SILENCE in one data point? This is a time to use a Point Link, something like,
//source point: the point getting RESET, ACK, SILENCE //target point: xyz the point to set the value out to on your BACnet device if(source.value == "RESET") return 3; else if(source.value == "ACK") return 2; else if(source.value == "SILENCE") return 4; else throw "Unknown value for xyz set: " + source.value;
Hi phildunlap,
I have tried to bring this code to the final solution with no success. :-(
(I have make a "workaround" with http receiver, but this is not the real need)Objective:
Send commands (a value) to a BACnet point by reading a string in a MySQL table.A) Get the string (word) after 'FNC="#' from the table logging column info.
FNC="#SILENCE BUZZERB) Only send the command to a BACnet point IF the id changes
'till now I have created a datasource SQL with the following statement:
SELECT * FROM logging WHERE origin=4 AND type=8 AND info LIKE '%FNC="#%' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;
and the result is:
Column name Value ID 512407 Origin 4 Type 8 TimeStamp 2017-02-10 10:14:36.0 Info (other infos) FNC="#SILENCE SIRENES" (other infos)
Now I having difficulty getting the value of the string and transfer it to a point only when the ID changes. Then date point will trigger the BACnet command translate the string as you first say in your code...
Thanks in advance,
Jose -
Hi Jose,
If I understand correctly, you have already gotten the ID and the Info into SQL data points. You could try a change detector on the ID point, has a Set Point event handler setting a new Alphanumeric point (probably a meta point would be best, one that executes on a cron with no context update, a cron like 0 0 0 1 1 ? 2099 ). The set point event handler will "Set to point value" and use the Info SQL point as the source point. Now you can create a point link from that new Alphanumeric Meta point to the outgoing BACnet point, and put whatever transformation logic you want in the point link.
Alternatively (and perhaps more straightforwardly), you could use a scripting data source. Add the ID point to the context varName 'sqlMaxId', add the Info point to the context varName 'info', create a numeric (or multistate, I suppose) Scripting data point, varName 'lastHandledId', add the BACnet point to the context that you'd like to set varName 'dataOut' . Script executes on cron "0/1 * * * * ?" with a script body like....
/* It looks like the strings in your info point aren't exactly these, so do be sure to modify this function as needed */ function transformInfoToValue( infoValue ) { if(infoValue == "RESET") return 3; else if(infoValue == "ACK") return 2; else if(infoValue == "SILENCE") return 4; else throw "Unknown value for xyz set: " + source.value; } if( sqlMaxId.value != lastHandledId.value ) { lastHandledId.set( sqlMaxId.value ); dataOut.set( transformInfoToValue( info.value ) ); }
This scripting solution won't work so well if your poll times for the SQL are less than two seconds, possibly.
Almost there... but, no I can not get the ID and the Info into SQL data points... :-(
As you can notice, the info that I need to extract in among other alfanumeric characters in the field info.
So, how can I get those into the SQL data points?
Thanks in advance,
Jose -
Hi Jose,
Data source settings;
Row based query: unchecked, false
(you'll have to handle the connection settings yourself using the in-Mango help, but it looks like this is already working for you)ID data point:
data type numeric, column name "ID"info data point
data type alphanumeric, column name "info"As for parsing what you're after out of the info field, I would do that in the script's "transformInfoToValue" function, and not try to do it in the SQL data source. Here's another possible version of that function:
function transformInfoToValue( infoValue ) { //We'll use a regex group to get that part of the string var fnc = /FNC="([^"]*)"/.exec( infoValue ); if( fnc === null ) throw "FNC regex did not match text in info field"; if( fnc[1]== "RESET" ) return 3; else if( fnc[1]== "ACK" ) return 2; else if( fnc[1] == "SILENCE" ) return 4; else throw "Unknown value for xyz set: " + source.value; }
The scripts senses one error in line 17
dataOut.set( transformInfoToValue( info.value ) );
What could it be?
This is a scripting data source that this script is in, yes? Only the scripting data source can call
I would check...
- That we're not hitting the throw condition in the transformInfoToValue function. You could change it to
return -1;
in the else clause and instead do something like...
var transformedValue = transformInfoToValue( info.value ); if( transformedValue >= 0 ) dataOut.set( transformedValue );
- That the variable name for dataOut is the same in the context and the script body. Same for info.
- That dataOut and info are settable.
- That dataOut and info are enabled.
- That we're not hitting the throw condition in the transformInfoToValue function. You could change it to
@phildunlap said in How to change the http sending value parameter:
Hi jmatos,
I'm not sure I completely understand, but it sounds like Point Links may work well for you. It sounds like you want to get values from lots of points and publish them all from the same point. Assuming this is for the publisher, a solution could be something like....
- Create a virtual point named 'Alarm Out' with an XID of 'almnr' of type alphanumeric
- Create a global script, having the body:
function getPrefix() { /*So that you may change the prefix for all scripts later if required */ return "4"; }
- Create a point link '1002 Alarm' from source 'CDI1 – LP_SENSOR_MANUAL_1002/1_1/4194279' to target 'Alarm Out', with the script body:
return getPrefix() + "1002" + source.value;
- Create similar point links to 'Alarm Out' from all other points you will publish this way.
Note that the 1002 is hardcoded into the script, since there will be 1 point link from each data point you're publishing here to our 'Alarm Out' point.
If you have only a handful to set up, you can do it by hand. If you have hundreds, I can provide a script to generate the point links for you. A helpful regex for parsing out those DeviceID values could be:
Hi Phildunlap,
Following this solution I have tried to change the code of one of the point link to send two alarmOut upon a condition. No success... :-(
Is something like this - wrong code - that I need on the specific point link:
if(source.value == 6) return getPrefix() + "0101" + source.value; return getPrefix() + "1002" + source.value; else return getPrefix() + "1002" + source.value;
The objective is to send two different alarm out when the source.value meets the condition. In any other cases only sends one alarm out.
It's possible?
Thank you
Jose -
Hi Jose,
If you need to do something like that you'll want to use the scripting data source as i described in the paragraph starting with "Alternatively (and perhaps more straightforwardly)" as you could simply call 'dataOut.set( )' twice
Alternatively, you could have a second point link which only returns a value in that special case that you need to set two values.
@phildunlap said in How to change the http sending value parameter:
Hi jmatos,
I'm not sure I completely understand, but it sounds like Point Links may work well for you. It sounds like you want to get values from lots of points and publish them all from the same point. Assuming this is for the publisher, a solution could be something like....
- Create a virtual point named 'Alarm Out' with an XID of 'almnr' of type alphanumeric
- Create a global script, having the body:
function getPrefix() { /*So that you may change the prefix for all scripts later if required */ return "4"; }
- Create a point link '1002 Alarm' from source 'CDI1 – LP_SENSOR_MANUAL_1002/1_1/4194279' to target 'Alarm Out', with the script body:
return getPrefix() + "1002" + source.value;
- Create similar point links to 'Alarm Out' from all other points you will publish this way.
Note that the 1002 is hardcoded into the script, since there will be 1 point link from each data point you're publishing here to our 'Alarm Out' point.
If you have only a handful to set up, you can do it by hand. If you have hundreds, I can provide a script to generate the point links for you. A helpful regex for parsing out those DeviceID values could be:
Hi phildunlap,
Now that we have buy at IAS the Mango solution we gonna step into the full configuration.
As you say in the last paragraph above, you can provide us a script to generate all the points.
How could this be done?
Thank you in advance,
Jose -
Hi Jose,
I'm sure I had a clearer picture in my mind of what I would need to write you when I said that. But, here's a python script to generate JSON you can import on the import/export page. You'll need to edit the paths in the script if you want to use it, and it'll intake a CSV file like:
DP_123456,1003 DP_654321,1004
and output JSON for point links you can import. You may also need to modify the target point XID or other things like that. Here's the python:
import json from StringIO import StringIO #use double slashes for windows, i.e. "C:\\path\\to\\new-point-links.csv" csvPointXids = open("/path/to/new-point-links.csv") #I will treat this as though it's a CSV with two columns, 0 is source point XID, 1 is the code for the point link body, like 1002 basePointLink = """{ "xid":"PL_17-3-1_gen_%(loopCounter)d", "sourcePointId":"%(sourceXid)s", "targetPointId":"almnr", "event":"CHANGE", "logLevel":"NONE", "disabled":false, "script":"return getPrefix() + '%(outputNumber)s' + source.value", "scriptPermissions":{ "customPermissions":"", "dataPointReadPermissions":"superadmin", "dataPointSetPermissions":"superadmin", "dataSourcePermissions":"superadmin" }, "writeAnnotation":false }""" #uncomment this if you have a header line to consume #csvPointXids.readline() outputConfig = {"pointLinks":[]} loopCounter = 1 for line in csvPointXids.readlines() : data = line.replace("\r","").replace("\n","").split(",") if len(data) < 2 : continue pointJson = basePointLink % {"loopCounter": loopCounter, "sourceXid": data[0], "outputNumber": data[1]} #print pointJson outputConfig["pointLinks"].append( json.load( StringIO( pointJson ) ) ) loopCounter += 1 csvPointXids.close() #You need to edit this output path as well. C:\\path\\to\\output.json output = open("/path/to/output.json", "w+") output.write( json.dumps( outputConfig, indent=4, sort_keys=False, separators=(",",":") ) ) output.close()
Hi phildunlap,
:-( Sorry I can't figure out two things:
A) Where do I run this code?
- I have run it in my windows python (3.6) but the only out put is:
{ "pointLinks",[] }
B) After I run it I have to import the json file to Mango...?!
This is mainly because I can't understand how the code of basePointLink will pass to json... the previous pointLinks is empty.Thank you,
Jose -
Hi Jose,
I would bet that means there are no lines in your CSV or there is not a comma in the line separating the two fields. You can add a statement like
print line
to the
for line in csvPointXids.readlines() :
block before theif len(data)
. to see it print at the command line. If there are no lines in your file you will see no output. I think if you have the file path wrong in the initial open() it will error.It looks like I got the separators backwards (should be
, so I edited that to fix. I did test that the script generates JSON (but I didn't import the json) -
It's working!
Thank you very much. :-)
Hi phildunlap,
How do I stop "Failed to send email (.)" messages? Is there any way to disable the email service on settings? I don't need it.
thank you
Hi jmatos,
The event level is set in the "System event alarm levels" section of the system settings as "Email send failure"
You can change this to "Do not log" (event handlers of the "Email send failure" event will be notified, but nothing will be stored in the database) or "Ignore" (nothing will happen).
I would wonder why you're sending emails if they're failing and you do not want them? Did you create an email event handler, or have you set your user to receive event emails above a certain threshhold?
I have a DataSource with several (hundreds) DataPoints that I have imported and I want to discard. Which is the better an quick way to do it?
Thanks in advance,
Jose -
Hi Jose,
You can delete the data source if it's all the points on the data source.
You can use the JSON from your import and this script to generate SQL delete statements:
#!/bin/python import json importedPoints = open("/path/to/import.json") imprt = json.load(importedPoints) importedPoints.close() outputFile = open("/path/to/output.sql", "w+") for dp in imprt["dataPoints"] : outputFile.write("DELETE FROM dataPoints WHERE xid='"+dp["xid"]+"';\n"); outputFile.close();
Next step would be running the SQL statements in an sql console.