Report setup-"Location for time" and "Named range"
I try to setup excel report.
My excel template:
I don't know how to set up these:
Many thanks!
Jack Chang -
You need to create a named range in your excel file for the time stamps to go into.
You also need to create named ranges for any data points. The ranges need to be at least 2 rows in a column. Once you upload the excel file with the named ranges they will show up in those drop down lists for you to select. Let me know if that helps.
The best way I found to do this was to create a second sheet and have Mango paste the data into that and then on the first sheet you simply link to the data on the second sheet.
See sample below. Highlight at least 2-3 rows and then in the formulas tab choose create from selection. These are now what you select in Mango. Format the columns before you upload the Excel file.