Upgrading from 2.5.2 to 2.7.10
I am trying to upgrade from 2.5.2 to 2.7.10 on windows 10 machine. The modules all seem to upgrade but the core remains at 2.5.2 db 9. Any help would be appreciated.
This article has some helpful tips that show you how to resolve. http://help.infiniteautomation.com/support/solutions/articles/14000022648-how-to-upgrade-mango
Thanks Joel,
When I follow the upgrade procedure it still errors out. Here is the Upgrade9.log:
ij> ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN permissions NVARCHAR(255);
ERROR 0A000: Feature not implemented: NATIONAL CHAR VARYING.
ij> ALTER TABLE dataSources ADD COLUMN editPermission NVARCHAR(255);
ERROR 0A000: Feature not implemented: NATIONAL CHAR VARYING.
ij> ALTER TABLE dataPoints ADD COLUMN readPermission NVARCHAR(255);
ERROR 0A000: Feature not implemented: NATIONAL CHAR VARYING.
ij> ALTER TABLE dataPoints ADD COLUMN setPermission NVARCHAR(255);
ERROR 0A000: Feature not implemented: NATIONAL CHAR VARYING.
ij> UPDATE users SET permissions = username || ',user';
ERROR 42X14: 'PERMISSIONS' is not a column in table or VTI 'APP.USERS'.
ij> UPDATE users SET permissions = permissions || ',superadmin' WHERE admin = 'Y';
ERROR 42X14: 'PERMISSIONS' is not a column in table or VTI 'APP.USERS'.
ij> ALTER TABLE users DROP COLUMN admin;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> -
Hi Les,
I'd wager you're using Derby as your database. It looks like there's an error in the Upgrade9 for Derby, so I have emailed you .class files you can use to patch your issue yourself, and it'll be fixed in the next release.
We do most of our testing on H2 and MySQL, and have moved away from Derby. You can use Mango to perform the conversion to either of those databases through the env.properties file, but upgrading Mango while converting the databases is not supported.
We will be releasing version 2.7.12 early this coming week, and I have gotten this fix into that as well.
Thanks Phil, you are correct. Since my last post I converted my db from derby to H2 just to see if it would make a difference and tried the upgrade again and it seems to have worked.