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2.7.8 Upgrade
Should that not be sufficient to resolve it, you can manually set the database back to the 2.7.6 schema and let .10 do the upgrade again, properly.
Step 1) Gain contact with the database...
H2:- Navigate to Mango/bin/
- Edit the script and add -webAllowOthers if you are not browsing from the same machine Mango runs on, and remember the port at the top (8081 by default).
- Launch the script. Navigate to http://[ip]:h2-port/ in your browser
- Fill in the credentials, and /path/to/Mango/databases/mah2 then connect
- command line, mysql --user=[env's db.user] --password=[env's db.password] [databaseName]
Run the commands...
- select * from systemSettings where settingname='databaseSchemaVersion'; is 11, is 12?
if 11,
Please post error from trying to start 2.7.10
if 12, - update systemSettings set settingvalue='11' where settingname='databaseSchemaVersion'; drop table jsonData;
Disconnect from the database, and finally, start up with 2.7.10 in your Mango/ directory.
Hello Phil,
My in in the overrides folder and i have the following lines for the MySQL:#MySQL database settings. Your MySQL instance must already be running and configured before this can be used.
db.username=[valid username]
db.password=[valid password]username and password removed but the ones listed are valid.
Again though the MySQL tables that are in that database are the ones created and used by Mango.
dataPointHierarchy, dataPoints, dataSources, eventHandlers, events, excelReportTemplates, excelReports, globalScripts, graphicalViews, mailingListInactive, mailingListMembers, mailingLists, maintenanceEvents, pointEventDetectors, pointLinks, pointValueAnnotations, pointValues, publishers, reportInstanceData, reportInstanceDataAnnotations, reportInstanceEvents, reportInstancePoints, reportInstanceUserComments, reportInstances, reports, scheduledEvents, selectedWatchList, systemSettings, templates, userComments, userEvents, users, watchListPoints, watchLists.
All of the data points are being kept in the NoSQL database.
#Database settings for conversion. If the db.* settings point to a new database instance, and the convert type setting
#is set, Mango Automation will attempt to convert from the convert.db.* settings to the db.* settings
#Note that database conversions should not be performed in the same step as an upgrade. First upgrade, then convert.
convert.db.password=${convert.db.password}#Set the base path for where the NoSQL data will be stored
#Set the folder name of the point value store
db.nosql.pointValueStoreName=mangoTSDBThese are the same settings I have been using for a while now with no problem.
I will try to force my service on to 2.7.10 as you suggest
Ah. I am sure you have it configured rightly. We would phrase that situation as using MySQL and the NoSQL module, since your system's configuration and even events will be in the MySQL database. Simply a misunderstanding.
Hello Phil,
Due to our excrutiatingly slow broadband at times... I finally have 2.7.10 put into the mango home folder.I have started your steps to correct this:
Step 1) Gain contact with the database...
H2:Navigate to Mango/bin/
Edit the script and add -webAllowOthers if you are not browsing from the same machine Mango runs on, and remember the port at the top (8081 by default). - DONE
Launch the script. Navigate to http://[ip]:h2-port/ in your browser - DONE
Fill in the credentials, and /path/to/Mango/databases/mah2 then connect - ?? the path says it should be "mango/databases/mah2 but there is no mah2 folder or file in my databases folder
What do you want me to do from here?
Use the MySQL instructions. You are on MySQL
oops, yeah sorry, its been a long day.
How much longer will you be available today?
I will be available for many more hours, and I am happy to work directly with you to fix this. I will send you a message with some contact options.
Hopefully we will have this finished soon. Thanks for your help.
I have sent you an email, let's conduct the rest there and I'll post anything insightful at the end if there is something to share.