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datapoint value to file
Hi Phil,
thank you for your answers.
this is the reasson i want to have the values in a file:
I log my solarpanels in Mango, i have a different solution for publishing the graphs on the internet.
2 arrays of panels have their own inverter that produces a csv file, that is also used for the internet page.
The third array uses a inverter that doesnt have these file, only a kwh meter with modbus.
Mango is reading teh modbus, so i got the data in mango.Now i want to publish that array with solar panels also on the webpage.
The example you wrote down is realy abracadabra for me...
where do i paste that script ? -
To attempt the SSH solution, you'll have to generate an SSH key and add it into the authorized_keys of your system, then point the ssh data source to the private key on the filesystem. Here's a tutorial on generating keys:
There are step by step instructions in the help document as well (>> is the concatenate operator, updating documentation....).
Those scripts would be new Scripting Data Sources. You would need a different SSH point for each file appender you want. You could set all those appenders from the same script. You could move all the files with the same point by giving the second script a set of files to move, i.e. once a day....
moveFiles = ["/path/to/file/1". "/path/to/file/2"]
for( var x in moveFiles)
sshFileMover.set(moveFiles[x]);... and have your sshFileMover point have a set command like: mv "VALUE" "VALUE-$(date +%F)"
qoute:"There are step by step instructions in the help document as well (>> is the concatenate operator, updating documentation....)."
you mean the mango documentation ?
when i read you solution with ssh, you wrote that i have to make a ssh datapoint.
i want to have the value and time stamp out of mango in to a file not from a file in to mango. -
i do mean the Mango documentation (the contextual help "?" buttons). That is also available on our wiki:[]=ssh
Yeah I understand that. It'd be using the SSH data source to append data points to a file. It's a little overkill when it's the same machine, but it'll work and you'd have a solution that could also keep the file published remotely.
Also I had a conversation with someone, and we appreciated the value of writing a File Publisher in the future.
just reading the mango help.
the example is for a linux based system, my mango is running on windows 7.
is there an example for win 7 available ? -
Most unfortunate! I am not very familiar with command prompt commands offhand, and all of my SSH example is geared toward Linux. It is possible to install an SSH server on Windows and run batch commands this way, but I haven't done it. Are you running on SQL? Option 2, querying the database directly is likely easier. Or you could create your own table and use the SQL data source to populate it. You could also have a program that subscribes to our API to get points and write them into the format you need.
i use the h2 database.
conecting to the api might be a solution, dont know how to write a program for that.
ill gues it will be a lot of reading on the is to bad the csv file from the report that can be emailed to me is not a file stored in the mango installation.
You can check out the endpoints available in your version by setting swagger.enabled=true in your, restarting and navigating to http://mangourl:port/swagger
You will need to make a login request to begin getting data, and if you update to later versions of the software you will need to record the XSRF token returned to you at login for subsequent requests.
If i navigate to /swagger i got a forbidden page.
i cannot see the endpoints :( -
You need to enable swagger in the bottom of the file and then restart Mango.
You should upgrade to Mango 2.7 as 2.5 is not going to be supported any more. You mentioned something was slow on your test upgrade but didn't provide any details. Mango 2.7 is not somehow slower than 2.5 and has several performance improvements. You must have an issue that can be solved. It might be something simple like you need to clear your browser's cache.
Hi Joel,
As i rembered i gave you some details.
showing the graphical view was slower after the upgrade, that was really anoyingi have to test the new version first before i upgrade.
is it possble to have 2 mango runing on one computer ?i enabled the swagger in the env file.
the env file is a mess, maybe that is the problem ?
i changed false in to true -
Yes, you just need to modify the file to launch the second Mango on different web.port than the first.
i copied the mango folder in to the mango 2.7 folder
after the 2.5 is started i will perform an upgrade.
wil post the results here -
i am trying to upgrade for a while now.
is there a nice tutorial for upgrade ?i copied my mango folder to a new folder started the mango and pressend update.
result all modules where upgraded exept for the core.
upgrading the core the moment i am doing the same again, and try to upgrade the core first with the upgrade function
finaly i got it up and running, now i am missing values from one data point, ill gusess something went wrong while updating :(
the performance of the graphical view is better than the upgrade to find out how to fix the missing value's and than renaming the folder to mango and it should work