Can we use ScadaBR data on Mango ?
Hello world,
I use ScadaBR an open source Scada based on Mango, And I want to import my data base on Mango, I think first I have to convert my data base from derby to Mysql because derby Is not used anymore on Mango last versions,
My main question is :If I import my scadaBR data base (Mysql) it wiLL work on Mango or not ?THanks
You can't directly use the scadaBR data base with Mango Automation but you should be able to export as JSON and then import into Mango. You will probably see some errors but you can correct those with find and replace on the JSON based on what the error tells you.
If you want to save your history data mango Automation enterprise which includes the NoSQL database has a feature to migrate historical data from older version of Mango which should also work for scadaBR.
You can see this link for more information:
Also to clarify, Mango Automation does still support Derby databases we just don't use that as the default setting or recommend that it is used. You can use Mango to convert from a Derby database to H2 or MySQL.
Thanks you Joel, but if I want to convert a Derby data Base to a Mysq one l on Mango ,This data base must be already charged on Mango ? because I tried to copy my Derby data base from scadaBR and I dosen't work, I have some errors and I prefer to convert it first to a Mysql data base, it can be more easy to debug these errors
Yes, you can not use the scadaBR database in Mango directly. It doesn't matter if the database is Derby or MySQL you will still not be able to use it in Mango. Your only option is to export the JSON from scadaBR and import your configuration into Mango.