I'm having a BACnet hardware controller device which is having some points created in it.
I made a code which writes, gets and discovers points on a BACnet controller, but I need to use BACNet4J to create a new point with specific properties.
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Latest posts made by vijay chelliah
Can we create a dummy BACnet point on a bacnet controller.
Modbus identifying serial ports
I'm working on a data acquisition system wchich should work on linux laptop and i am using Modbus4J and have implemented my own serial port wrapper which will by default ask for port-name(String) which is usually (/dev/ttyUSB1, /dev/ttyUSB2, etc)
But to my surprise the dev path to USB aren't constant and keeps changing in the order of connection.
when I connect two serial port converts to two USD ports the first connected ones take /dev/ttyUSB0 and the later /dev/ttyUSB1. This is an issue.
How is should have been done actually?
MODBUS RTU discovery.
I'm building a java modbus data acquisition system (using MODBUS4J), I've successfully communicated with the modbus device using its slave id, address, datatype.But is there a way to just detect slaves, by just addressing slaves from 0-255 without specific register or coil addresses? So, that slaves with matching slaveId's respond.
RE: Modbus4J throwing error.
@phildunlap OMG thanks, but how can we fix this?
RE: Modbus4J throwing error.
wrapper.getInputStream is returning null.
Modbus4J throwing error.
I've tested this code to detect a Modbus device ( was discovered by a discovery software) connected to my computer.
but the code throw a null pointer Exception, can someone help me understand it.public class MasterTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {String commPortId = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; int baudRate = 9600; int flowControlIn = 0; int flowControlOut = 0; int dataBits = 0; int stopBits = 0; int parity = 1; TestSerialPortWrapper wrapper = new TestSerialPortWrapper(commPortId, baudRate, flowControlIn, flowControlOut, dataBits, stopBits, parity); IpParameters ipParameters = new IpParameters(); ipParameters.setHost("localhost"); ModbusFactory modbusFactory = new ModbusFactory(); ModbusMaster master = modbusFactory.createRtuMaster(wrapper); try { master.setTimeout(1000); master.setRetries(0); master.init(); int slaveId = 2; BaseLocator<Number> locator = BaseLocator.holdingRegister(slaveId, 50, DataType.EIGHT_BYTE_INT_UNSIGNED); master.setValue(locator, 10000000); System.out.println(master.getValue(locator)); } finally { master.destroy(); } }
MODBUS JAVA agent for data acquisition
I want to develop a JAVA code using MODBUS4J which should discover and read data from modbus controllers present in its network.
Is there a feature like autodiscovery in modbus like that of bacnet?
I have a doubt if my code should be a master or slave?
if master can a network have multiple masters? for network might have a plc or a master modbus controller.
if a slave can a slave communicate with a master to get all data?