change order in drop down lists like the one in the views page.

I agree it could be easier to find the point you are looking for in the drop down list. The filter by data source option in the edit graphical view page would be handy everywhere that drop down list of points occurs (like in the data point edit GOTO drop down at the top)

Another option might be to display the node's parent folder names before the dataPoint name in the select drop down. This way I wouldn't have to include the location and datasource name in every point's name to be able to tell them apart.

For example if I am monitoring a temperature on several motors I have to call the temperature data point "locationID - dataSourceID - temperature" so that I don't have 10 data points called 'temperature' in the drop down.

I might have got everything wrong but I would like to make the "Graphic views" as superuser and then publish them to other users who can't edit the views. just watch values or change set points, acknowledge alarms and so on.
This would be convenient for me too.