My company is looking for a Scada system and we are evaluating Mango. We build industrial refrigeration installation in Switzerland and Europe, especially for fruit conservation. We use to build installation with several big fridge where we manage regulation and supervision.
For this purpose we need a system oriented in the future and a system we can trust. And I need some arguments to guide our choice.
First, some aspect are not clear :
I did not find the source code of the open source version. The commercial version seems to be more advanced and provided with a different architecture. It seems that the open source version may be let back as a result of the business model is changing. I did not find reassuring information about open source goal and business model of Infinite Automation and Serotonin Software. From outside it look like Serotonin is gently abandoning Mango and Infinite Automation is garbing open source code for a more close orientation.
Secondly, we will need some custom functionality but we do not have time to do it by ourself, as a result, we have a big project of a site starting in august.
We are using Beckoff PLC. Bechoff use CoDeSys programming tools and that tool is also used by several PLC manufacturer (Wago, Moeller, Bosch). During compilation, an xml file of all variable is created. (see attachment) We need to be able to parse this XML file and automatically create/update data point and data structure directly into the scada.
Beckhoff use its own communication protocol : ADS (Automation Device Specification). A Java library is available to communicate with ads : http://infosys.beckhoff.com/english.php?content=../content/1033/tcjavatoads/html/tcjavatoads_intro.html&id=11538. We need to add ADS data source to Mango.
So my questions are :
- Dose somebody can develop for us the functionality listed above ? If yes, could we have an estimation of price and delay ?
- I know that the forum is a good way to get support, but we need more security. Dose somebody may support us privately and provide some kind of premium support for our first project with Mango.
Attachment: download link