I am trying to change the theme option in any of the chart but it seems that it didn't work. I had folowwed instructions as what you mentioned to load the amCharts theme in the app.js but it didn';t work either.
In my app.js file,
- @copyright 2016 {@link http://infiniteautomation.com|Infinite Automation Systems, Inc.} All rights reserved.
- @author Jared Wiltshire
], function(angular, maMaterialDashboards, maAppComponents, require, Page, pageView, livePreview, moment) {
'use strict';....
I added the that line which you mentioned at the end. However, there is no effect on the chart colour.
Please see the chart option as below:
ma-serial-chart style="height: 300px; width: 100%" series-1-values="point1Values" series-1-point="point1" legend="true" balloon="true" export="true"
options="{theme: 'dark', chartScrollbar:{'enabled': true, 'scrollbarHeight': 5}, export: {'position': 'bottom-right'}, valueAxes: [{'id': 'ValueAxis-1','color': '#FFFFFF'}]}"
Can you please see what other settings need to be done in order for the theme to work in the chart? Thanks alot.
Mok Kiew