Hi Jokke,
Regarding the findings you had mentioned earlier...
This was seen "Modbus pointo locator test: "Illegal data address: {1}""
This has been found and fixed. The {1} part was removed.
This was not localized so it is same on all language settings. "SomeCompoundEventDetectorName: java.lang.Exception: Detector S3 not enabled or does not exist"
This was fixed too.
On audit events the publisher deletion/change does not make any event.
The commission to do the audit work did not extend to publishers.
The common.true and common.false is used on logical true/false and in the audit events. It has a slight difference on translation if the context talking about something is on/off or binary/logical value true/false.
It's not exactly correct to use true/false in those contexts in English either, but it's common to do so.