I'm new with modbus, so I have problem with reading data from DEPsea 8610. I successfully connect to device, have registers from DEPSEA but I don't know how to work with that and how to get some values from device.
I get some radeing from Holding register. I'm a little bit confused how to get values, please can you help.
Modbus read data
Slave id
Register range
Offset (0-based)
Number of registers
0 ==> 0000
1 ==> 0000
2 ==> 0000
3 ==> 0000
4 ==> 0000
5 ==> 0000
6 ==> 0003
7 ==> 0000
8 ==> 0002
9 ==> 0002
10 ==> 1ff0
11 ==> 0000