I have a filtered watchlist select which contains data from 2 IP addresses that are inside the same device in the field: <ma-watch-list-select id="a9c722c9-aac1-492a-b026-799c6922ab1f" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 203.97px; width: 206.996px; height: 58.9915px;" ng-model="designer.watchList" parameters="designer.parameters" query="{name:'X1_'}"></ma-watch-list-select>
Based on the watch list selected above I display various parameters, amongst others a serial number: <ma-point-value id="3883ca56-bae3-465d-99ee-7a21c90fec6c" style="position: absolute; left: 283.999px; top: 0px; font-size: 32px;" enable-popup="hide" point="designer.points | filter:{name:'Camera_name'}:true | maFirst" label="Serial"></ma-point-value>
Now I want to display an image in a particular folder (where 50 need to be replaced by the point value above):
<img id="20775be3-db0d-4080-a358-713e89d5dcff" style="position: absolute; left: 213.8px; top: 50px; width: 600px; height: 450px; display: flex;" ng-src="/50/lastimage.jpg">
I understand that I can use {{myPoint}}, but I cannot find a way to get the particular point from the watch list and bind it to a variable?
I have looked at ma-get-point-value, but the help file says: "This directive pulls the live value of a data point and outputs it onto the point object", however the help is unclear what the SOURCE and what the SINK(DESTINATION) objects are.
The designer creates this:
<ma-get-point-value id="3152e3f9-be26-4e9d-9357-312f474a7018" style="position: absolute; left: 84px; top: 342px;" point="designer.points | filter:{name:'Camera_name'}:true | maFirst"></ma-get-point-value>
but how do I define what this point value should then be assigned to in order to use it elsewhere {{ }}
I appreciate your help. Do you have somewhere a list of all the parameters for each of your "ma-" objects? The help files dont seem to list all. I find some assignments in the dashboard designer that are not in the help.