As for testing, we have ES and also a PC installed with MANGO (non-commercial version).
With bacnet module version 3.5.2 on MANGO PC (Windows 10), we manage to scan ALL the controllers on old interface screen on bacnet/IP discovery.

Upon we upgrade the bacnet module version 3.6.0 on MANGO PC, even the old interface or new interface we faced similiar issue that we did not manage to get all the DDC controller online in the list on bacnet/IP.

Initially, we won't perform above test scan until we noticed MANGO ES bacnet discovery had very less of controllers it manage to scan on bacnet/IP on version 3.6.0.
Same issue we encounter too on bacnet/mstp on MANGO ES - manage to discover Alerton and Honeywell Spyder but not others brand of bacnet mstp ddc on same rs-485 comm. Is there any restriction on brands bacnet ms/tp ddc that MANGO ES allow to discover on bacnet ms/tp ?
Any firewall or settings we need to look into ?