Thank you..
Please Note This forum exists for community support for the Mango product family and the Radix IoT Platform. Although Radix IoT employees participate in this forum from time to time, there is no guarantee of a response to anything posted here, nor can Radix IoT, LLC guarantee the accuracy of any information expressed or conveyed. Specific project questions from customers with active support contracts are asked to send requests to
Latest posts made by Ava2018
Password reset email
Hi, I am testing some system functionalities and notice that after an user clicks on "Forgot your password", then fill the userId and email and clicks in "SEND EMAIL", an email is sent to the user, but the link to "Reset it password" in the email lead to a "change password change" instead of "reset-password". In the first one, it is necessary the current password to change, and the "reset-password" one is where only the token and the new password is asked.
LDAP for authentication
In Mango 3.6, is it possible to use LDAP for authentication purpose?
RE: PointValue with question mark(?) register
I think something on the very beggining of the scripting tests was recorded in the history and was tricking the new values. I copied the DP to a new fresh one, and it worked.
Thanks! -
PointValue with question mark(?) register
I wrote a script to get a linux file size as the following json. It works fine with the script verification and realtime value showed in the DP Details screen. However no value is recorded in the history, only a question mark(?) is shown along with the timestamp. The weird thing is that the cached values showed in the datapoints details are displayed correctly as you can see in the screenshot above, but when I update the screen, the values became do a question mak again.What I am missing?
Thanks in advance
{ "dataPoints":[ { "xid":"DP_09a1df37-0dc1-4bd0-a4e7-91f2ca4efbd0", "name":"Tamanho arquivo H2", "enabled":true, "loggingType":"ON_CHANGE", "intervalLoggingPeriodType":"MINUTES", "intervalLoggingType":"AVERAGE", "purgeType":"YEARS", "pointLocator":{ "dataType":"NUMERIC", "updateEvent":"MINUTES", "contextUpdateEvent":"CONTEXT_UPDATE", "context":[ { "varName":"p6678", "dataPointXid":"DP_ca4d75a0-4ccf-48b3-b7ce-94181afd4292", "updateContext":false } ], "logLevel":"NONE", "variableName":"my", "executionDelaySeconds":0, "logCount":5, "logSize":1.0, "script":"\/\/print(` du -s \/opt\/mango\/databases\/mah2.h2.db |awk '{print $1}'`);\nvar response =\"\/home\/aaguiar\/script\/\",5);\n\/\/print( response );\nvar valor = response.key;\nreturn valor*1", "scriptPermissions":{ "customPermissions":"", "dataPointReadPermissions":"superadmin", "dataPointSetPermissions":"superadmin", "dataSourcePermissions":"superadmin" }, "settable":true, "updateCronPattern":"" }, "eventDetectors":[ { "type":"HIGH_LIMIT", "sourceType":"DATA_POINT", "xid":"ED_f4738cec-edc8-4aa3-8aa7-bd72ffd7f18d", "name":"Limite de 1GB alcançado no arquivo H2", "alarmLevel":"LIFE_SAFETY", "durationType":"SECONDS", "duration":0, "limit":1000000.0, "notHigher":false } ], "plotType":"SPLINE", "rollup":"NONE", "unit":"", "templateXid":"Numeric_Default", "simplifyType":"NONE", "chartColour":"", "chartRenderer":{ "type":"IMAGE", "timePeriodType":"DAYS", "numberOfPeriods":1 }, "dataSourceXid":"DS_355e23e3-f46d-4e4a-bb3f-106bd7e42f22", "defaultCacheSize":1, "deviceName":"!!Teste de controle de registros", "discardExtremeValues":false, "discardHighLimit":1.7976931348623157E308, "discardLowLimit":-1.7976931348623157E308, "intervalLoggingPeriod":1, "intervalLoggingSampleWindowSize":0, "overrideIntervalLoggingSamples":false, "preventSetExtremeValues":false, "purgeOverride":false, "purgePeriod":1, "readPermission":"", "setExtremeHighLimit":1.7976931348623157E308, "setExtremeLowLimit":-1.7976931348623157E308, "setPermission":"", "tags":{ }, "textRenderer":{ "type":"ANALOG", "useUnitAsSuffix":true, "unit":"", "renderedUnit":"", "format":"0.00" }, "tolerance":0.0 } ] }
RE: Is it a problem having a big H2 database?
Ohh yes, this is where I got confused! I haven't seen that options on the Alarm level combo. All clarified now!
I found in the forum that I can export data from any table to another external DB, so I can keep the events shorter in H2. I will make an effort to keep the structure with H2 DB because the management through Mango seems simplier.
Thanks a lot for all the info. -
RE: Is it a problem having a big H2 database?
Phil, the links you provided only mention derby, mySQL and H2, then I will assume Mango isn't ready to use Oracle, maybe modifying the queries in the source code since some sintax and colun types are different, so it would demand development effort.
About the events question.
I don't know what I am missing so, because even with the logging at "Do not Log", see my DP code, event screen and db record :{ "dataPoints":[ { "xid":"DP_85537b93-353d-4bbc-8e0c-82f7af745148", "name":"DP1", "enabled":true, **"loggingType":"NONE",** "intervalLoggingPeriodType":"MINUTES", "intervalLoggingType":"AVERAGE", "purgeType":"YEARS", "pointLocator":{ "dataType":"NUMERIC", "changeType":{ "type":"RANDOM_ANALOG", "max":100.0, "min":0.0, "startValue":"0" }, "settable":false }, "eventDetectors":[ { "type":"POINT_CHANGE", "sourceType":"DATA_POINT", "xid":"ED_b18bf2f2-8611-4cf8-be87-db9f2544e117", "name":"", "alarmLevel":"NONE" } ], "plotType":"SPLINE", "rollup":"NONE", "unit":"", "simplifyType":"NONE", "chartColour":"", "chartRenderer":{ "type":"IMAGE", "timePeriodType":"DAYS", "numberOfPeriods":1 }, "dataSourceXid":"DS_2f623aba-672a-4220-be21-501b29ca1eac", "defaultCacheSize":1, "deviceName":"!!!Andre4", "discardExtremeValues":false, "discardHighLimit":1.7976931348623157E308, "discardLowLimit":-1.7976931348623157E308, "intervalLoggingPeriod":1, "intervalLoggingSampleWindowSize":0, "overrideIntervalLoggingSamples":false, "preventSetExtremeValues":false, "purgeOverride":false, "purgePeriod":1, "readPermission":"", "setExtremeHighLimit":1.7976931348623157E308, "setExtremeLowLimit":-1.7976931348623157E308, "setPermission":"", "tags":{ }, "textRenderer":{ "type":"ANALOG", "useUnitAsSuffix":true, "unit":"", "renderedUnit":"", "format":"0.00" }, "tolerance":0.0 } ] }
Event screen: Events
DB screen: Screen
What would it be?
Another thing I notice is that each event generated is replicated in the userevents table for each "admin" user I have in Mango. Is there a setting to control/avoid that?
RE: Is it a problem having a big H2 database?
So I understood that what triggers the recording events on the EVENTS/USEREVENTS tables is the event detector option in DP and not the logging type.
I just tested here one DP, with "Do not Log" Logging type, but with the event detector (Change type) added. And it keeps bulking the H2.
Is there a way to have the Event detector working without the record in those tables?Another question is if there any change to use Oracle instead MySQL in case of replacing H2?
RE: Is it a problem having a big H2 database?
Understood Phil.
In your experience, would MySQL handle better a big number of DP, users and event logging with the frequency near 20000 events record/day and 1500000 userevents record/day?
Is there some known performance threshold on H2 (related to H2 size and events record frequency)?
The idea of putting that in a NoSQL db seems very welcomed.I am testing your suggestion of decreasing the default alarm level logging to check how the system behaviors, I set all the audit and system event alarm levels(/system_settings.shtm) to both Do not Log or ignore, however, in my test, the change detector event keeps recording all the events change, for example.
Table Events
3028491 DATA_POINT 6595 291 1548332743821 N 0 0 0 event.detector.changeCount|!!!Andre4 - DP1|49,16 |15,45 |Table UserEvents
3028491 1 N
3028491 4 N
3028491 5 N
3028491 12 N
3028491 8 N
3028491 9 N
3028491 10 NIs there any other setting I missed?
Thanks for your prompt attention.
RE: Is it a problem having a big H2 database?
Just adding some information. Maybe the problem is related with the events amount and not directly with the H2 size.
I got the system a little before locks on 100% CPU. The USEREVENTS table count was around 13millions, then I purged all the events and from that moment on Mango returned to run very quickly using around 10%CPU even with the fast datasources enabled and showing SQL Database size in 2.9GiB.Just to have an idea of my concern about that, on my current SCADA system (SCADABR), it works with around 20000 events and 1500000 userevents a day. In the current purge setting(2 months), it results a 2 million events and 122million userevents total. The db system is Oracle, the question is if Mango (H2,MangoTSDB) can handle that...