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State chart to show only true values
I am filtering designer.points from watch list to get the displayed points in the state chart
To get compressor 1 point this is what I have
<ma-calc output="comp1Output" input="designer.points | filter:{name:deviceName + 'comp_1_on'} | maFirst"></ma-calc><ma-point-values point="comp1Output" values="comp1OutputValues" from="dateBar.from" to="" rollup="{{dateBar.rollupType}}" rollup-interval="{{dateBar.rollupIntervals}} {{dateBar.rollupIntervalPeriod}}"></ma-point-values>
I then use comp1OutputValues in state chart to display compressor 1
- To display true values only, I tried to filter on comp1Output output object from ma-calc above
<ma-calc output="comp1truevalues" input="comp1Output | filter:{comp1Output.values == 1"} | maFirst"></ma-calc>
it errors out.
- How to not display true/false labels in the segments.
Please let me know how to achieve this?
Add this to your code somewhere
<pre ng-bind="point1Values | json"></pre>
temporarily so you can see the structure of the data object
You have used.values
on your filter function not.value
Thanks CraigWeb for your response.
Here is what I tried.
<pre ng-bind="comp1OutputValues | json"></pre><ma-calc output="falseOutput" input=" comp1Output | filter:{comp1Output.value == 0} | maFirst"></ma-calc>
<ma-calc output="trueOutput" input="comp1Output | filter:{comp1Output.value == 1} | maFirst"></ma-calc>
<pre ng-bind="falseOutput | json" ></pre>
<pre ng-bind="trueOutput | json"></pre>Error shown in attached image
<pre ng-bind="comp1OutputValues | json"></pre>
<ma-calc output="falseOutput" input=" comp1OutputValues | filter:{comp1OutputValues == 0} | maFirst"></ma-calc>
<ma-calc output="trueOutput" input="comp1OutputValues | filter:{comp1OutputValues == 1} | maFirst"></ma-calc>
<pre ng-bind="falseOutput | json" ></pre>
<pre ng-bind="trueOutput | json"></pre>Error shown in attached image