Point Data Parse Exception error
I have an AlphaNumeric data point (indicating city name) from a weather service. Data value is shown below:
A constant error message of 'Value did not match any multistate text and was not parsable, result= ' comes up all the time, screenshot below:
My question is : Is this error important? Can I just totally ignore them?
Hi cwangv,
There seems to be some issues with the error messages from the HTTP JSON retriever (which I presume you are using), as it would say multistate for a few different point data types which is obviously wrong. How do you know it corresponds with that point? It is a data source event, no?
Were it that Alphanumeric point, it would suggest to me that in some of the JSON retrieved the value at the pointer location is not a String. Perhaps it is on another data point, one which is not fetching new values reliably?
I opened a git issue for this because at minimum the event message is misleading, but it is in a private repo so I could not link it.
Sorry, I should have made my case background info clearer.
Yes, i am using the JSON Retriever to extract info from OpenWeatherMap. Yes, it is a data source event.
The 'CITYNAME' point is the only alphanumeric point defined. The other three are numeric points only. In total 4 points are being polled.
The error only appeared after i added the alphanumeric point.
The JSON Retriever is working great, it is very handy for someone like me that is not that well versed web programming. I really like these kind of wrapper-like data source which make things so much easier.
Thanks. -
The JSON Retriever is working great, it is very handy for someone like me that is not that well versed web programming. I really like these kind of wrapper-like data source which make things so much easier.
Glad to hear it!
For an alphanumeric point, I would expect that message if the value at the JSON pointer is not a textual value (a number, null, boolean, etc) sometimes.