Creating files in filestore from Excel post process script
Hey, this may seem like a crazy idea but I've reasoned it :)
Hypothetical question, would it be possible to manipulate the contents of a file from an excel post process script? My excel report currently generates a pretty big report and based on that report I'd like to be able to pull some data out and dump it into individual CSV or Excel files.Thoughts?
Hi psysak,
It is of course possible! CSV would be easier than Excel, since CSV is so akin to text. Something like,
//untested var outputFile = new"/path/to/outputFile"); var writer = null; try { writer = new outputFile, false /* append */); writer.write("This is a string of output!\n"); } catch(error) { writer.close(); throw error; } if(writer !== null) writer.close();
As always, thank you sir
Certainly! It probably would have been a better answer has I used,
var outputFile = new"/path/to/Mango/filestore/filestoreName/outputFile")
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