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Problem with Menu
Hello, I was working with Mango and add a dashboard to menu, after of this, I can't see all the menu. This is the json file when i use this link: MY_MANGO_URL/ui/administration/json-store-editor/mangoUI-menu
"menuItems": [
"name": "ui.dataPointDetails",
"permission": "superadmin"
"name": "ui.plantaDeTratamiento",
"url": "/planta-de-tratamiento",
"linkToPage": true,
"permission": "user",
"menuText": "Planta de Tratamiento",
"pageXid": "cd3b879e-125a-4544-9df4-7b7479b6c017",
"menuHidden": false,
"weight": 1000,
"abstract": false,
"menuTr": "Planta Tratamiento"
"name": "ui.estacionbomb.acueducto",
"url": "/acueducto",
"linkToPage": true,
"permission": "user",
"menuText": "Estacion Bombeo",
"menuTr": "",
"pageXid": "3efbd854-5e20-4fc7-8e78-a7a1d4ce15f1",
"menuHidden": false,
"weight": 1000,
"menuIcon": "E",
"abstract": true
"name": "ui.estacionbomb.acueducto.estacionbomb",
"url": "/estacionbomb",
"linkToPage": true,
"permission": "user",
"menuText": "Estacion de Bombeo",
"pageXid": "3efbd854-5e20-4fc7-8e78-a7a1d4ce15f1",
"menuHidden": false,
"weight": 1000,
"abstract": true,
"menuIcon": "E"
}When I open the console in the explorer show this:
[Intervention] Slow network is detected. See for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading:
[Intervention] Slow network is detected. See for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading:
[Intervention] Slow network is detected. See for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading:
[Intervention] Slow network is detected. See for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading:
[Intervention] Slow network is detected. See for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading:
[Intervention] Slow network is detected. See for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading:
:8080/rest/v1/users/current:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)
:8080/ui/login:1 This page includes a password or credit card input in a non-secure context. A warning has been added to the URL bar. For more information, see
mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=f6d868035ceca7ed0360:230 Markup '<md-button flex></md-button>' may not work as expected in IE Browsers. Consult '' for details.
(anonymous) @ mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=f6d868035ceca7ed0360:230
2mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=f6d868035ceca7ed0360:230 TypeError: Cannot set property 'children' of undefined
at e (mangoUi.js?v=648f41acde943d4cd3b3:1)
at e (mangoUi.js?v=648f41acde943d4cd3b3:1)
at e (mangoUi.js?v=648f41acde943d4cd3b3:1)
at mangoUi.js?v=648f41acde943d4cd3b3:1
at Object.combineMenuItems (mangoUi.js?v=648f41acde943d4cd3b3:1)
at refresh.then.e (mangoUi.js?v=648f41acde943d4cd3b3:1)
at mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=f6d868035ceca7ed0360:230
at mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=f6d868035ceca7ed0360:230
at c.$digest (mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=f6d868035ceca7ed0360:230)
at c.$apply (mangoUi~ngMango~ngMangoServices.js?v=f6d868035ceca7ed0360:230)Thank you
Looks like a load of missing menu items to me.
If you can edit the JSON, Amend it to this:{ "menuItems": [{ "name": "ui.dataPointDetails", "permission": "superadmin" }, { "name": "", "permission": "edit-ui-pages" }, { "name": "ui.watchList", "permission": "edit-ui-pages" }, { "name": "ui.settings", "permission": "superadmin" }, { "name": "", "permission": "superadmin" }, { "name": "", "menuHidden": false, "permission": "superadmin" }, { "name": "ui.plantaDeTratamiento", "url": "/planta-de-tratamiento", "linkToPage": true, "permission": "user", "menuText": "Planta de Tratamiento", "pageXid": "cd3b879e-125a-4544-9df4-7b7479b6c017", "menuHidden": false, "weight": 1000, "abstract": false, "menuTr": "Planta Tratamiento" }, { "name": "ui.estacionbomb.acueducto", "url": "/acueducto", "linkToPage": true, "permission": "user", "menuText": "Estacion Bombeo", "menuTr": "", "pageXid": "3efbd854-5e20-4fc7-8e78-a7a1d4ce15f1", "menuHidden": false, "weight": 1000, "menuIcon": "E", "abstract": true }, { "name": "ui.estacionbomb.acueducto.estacionbomb", "url": "/estacionbomb", "linkToPage": true, "permission": "user", "menuText": "Estacion de Bombeo", "pageXid": "3efbd854-5e20-4fc7-8e78-a7a1d4ce15f1", "menuHidden": false, "weight": 1000, "abstract": true, "menuIcon": "E" } ] }