A script JsonEmport example
Here's a simple script to add a particular event detector to all data points identified by either a static or a query watchlist:
var xidPrefix = "ED_15m_status_"; //Used to see if a point already has the detector var watchListXid = "WL_5275e48f-5819-4971-8462-0d1ed8ea8264"; //Identify the points to add to var dataPoints = JSON.parse(JsonEmport.getConfiguration("dataPoints")).dataPoints; var watchLists = JSON.parse(JsonEmport.getConfiguration("watchLists")).watchLists; function findByXid(list, xid) { for( var k = 0; k < list.length; k+=1 ) if( list[k].xid === xid ) return list[k]; return undefined; } var wl = findByXid(watchLists, watchListXid); if(typeof wl === 'undefined') throw "Couldn't find watchlist with XID " + watchListXid + " to add detectors to"; var importPoints = []; function addDetectorToDataPoint(dp) { for( var l = 0; l < dp.eventDetectors.length; l+=1 ) { if(dp.eventDetectors[l].xid.startsWith(xidPrefix)) //Don't add it twice return; } var ed = { //Gotten by configuring one and exporting it "type":"BINARY_STATE", "sourceType":"DATA_POINT", "xid":com.serotonin.m2m2.Common.generateXid(xidPrefix), "name":"", "alarmLevel":"URGENT", "durationType":"MINUTES", "duration":15, "state": (dp.textRenderer.type === "BINARY" && dp.textRenderer.oneLabel === "Device Ok") }; //Note that compatibility is not being checked, but it should just fail // the individual points during the import if isn't a binary point. dp.eventDetectors.push(ed); importPoints.push(dp); } if(wl.type === 'static') { //Okay, just look over an XID list for(var j = 0; j < wl.dataPoints.length; j+=1) { var dp = findByXid(dataPoints, wl.dataPoints[j]); addDetectorToDataPoint(dp); } } else if(wl.type === 'query') { //Okay, use the query to get the data points from the DataPointQuery var addToPoints = DataPointQuery.query(wl.query); for(var j = 0; j < addToPoints.length; j+=1) { var dp = findByXid(dataPoints, addToPoints[j].getXid()); addDetectorToDataPoint(dp); } } //Mango 3.5 will allow us to //JsonEmport.setImportDuringValidation( true ); JsonEmport.doImport(JSON.stringify({"dataPoints":importPoints}));
In Mango 3.5 there will be a way to tell the JsonEmport utility to run even during validation, but for now this script would have to actually run to perform the import.
Edit: I said there would be a way to import during validation, and there is! The commented line about setImportDuringValidation can be uncommented to make the importer work even during script validation.
8/23/19 edit: I believe the name field an no longer be blank, as in the original posting.