Update Data Point
Hello, I created a script and wanted it to update every day and every hour in minutes and seconds 59.
I made the expression cron (59 59 * * *? *), But it is not updating at that exact time I requested.Here is the image of the settings, but do you have a suggestion of what it could be?
Hi @leoboeng play around on a cron generator https://crontab-generator.org/ so you can understand it a bit better.
Edit :
This is a better generator: https://www.freeformatter.com/cron-expression-generator-quartz.html -
Yes, I have used these sites to create the expression.
The expression is correct but there is no update at the correct time.
I'm guessing that it should if some other configuration, such as context event type that may be wrong.
I am not certain what you are seeing, you make it sound like it is not running at all? You didn't include validate output. Maybe this is a meta point and the context point is disabled?
While I omit the wildcard for year in my cron patterns, that shouldn't be the cause.