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Data Point Reade Permissions Removed
I Have noticed that the data point permissions keep clearing for users after using the Bulk Data Point Edit. I am not exactly sure what clears them, I can't lock down if it happens when I make some changes to something. Has anyone else experienced this?
Are these points from a Mango Persistent TCP data source? If so, and you have "Accept point attribute updates" checked but not "Override permissions updates," then the permissions would be cleared if they are empty on the publisher's side while the points are connecting. The solution is to enable "Override permissions updates" on the data source, and then set permissions into those fields that you would like applied to new data points created by the data source. Old data points are then not modified during point attribute updating.
If not, then can you say more about what is going on and the sequence of events? The only thing i noticed through brief investigation is that if you were to click into the edit field for a permission, press a key and then delete it, the column would still be considered modified and would be applied upon updating the points. I was able to clear the column being considered as modified by selecting a different source / list / folder to edit, then selecting the first set of points again.
Thanks @phildunlap
Yes it was from a MPTCP Data source. I have altered and will see how it goes.