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State parameters
Hi there, ive been strugling for a while now with something, hope i'm not just makeing a stupid mistake.
I am trying to follow this guide but with a tag query
This is my WL query : eq(tags.Site,{{site}})&sort(xid,name)&limit(200)
I have a overview page :<ma-watch-list-get ng-model="designer.NSP" parameters="designer.NSP.parameters" on-points-change="designer.NSP.points = $points" id="NSP_ID" watch-list-xid="NSPQueryWL" ></ma-watch-list-get> <ma-watch-list-get ng-model="designer.KNZ" parameters="designer.KNZ.parameters" on-points-change="designer.KNZ.points = $points" id="KNZ_ID" watch-list-xid="KNZQueryWL" ></ma-watch-list-get> <ma-watch-list-get ng-model="designer.MAT" parameters="designer.MAT.parameters" on-points-change="designer.MAT.points = $points" id="MAT_ID" watch-list-xid="MATQueryWL" ></ma-watch-list-get> <div layout="row" layout-wrap="" layout-align="start stretch"> <div flex="100" flex-gt-md="25" layout="column"> <md-card> <md-toolbar class="md-whiteframe-1dp md-hue-3"> <div class="md-toolbar-tools"> <h1 flex=""> <span>Nelspruit </span> </h1> </div> </md-toolbar> <md-card-content> <md-list ng-repeat="p in designer.NSP.points"> <md-list-item layout=""> <md-button ui-state="'ui.mbombela.siteViewer'" ui-state-params="{site: p.tags.Site}"> {{p.deviceName}}</md-button> <span flex></span> <ma-point-value enable-popup="left" point="p" style=" font-size: 18px; " ng-style="{'color': p.value >= 60 ? 'green' : p.value >= 35 ? 'yellow' : 'red' }"></ma-point-value> </md-list-item> </md-card-content> </md-card> </div>
I am trying to go to my site viewer page and give the watchlist parameter that points tag. On my menu I have /site-viewer?site
My site viewer page:
<ma-ui-state-params on-change="designer.parameters.tags.Site = $; stateParams = $stateParams" update-params="updateParams"></ma-ui-state-params> <ma-watch-list-get ng-model="designer.watchList" parameters="designer.parameters" on-points-change="designer.points = $points" id="20969fc2-a491-4616-9130-35a2555b37c2" watch-list-xid="SiteQueryWL"></ma-watch-list-get> <ma-watch-list-get ng-model="designer.watchList2" parameters="designer.parameters" on-points-change="designer.system = $points" id="20969fc2-a491-4616-9130-35a2555b37c2" watch-list-xid="siteSystem_WL"></ma-watch-list-get> <ma-watch-list-parameters id="ac84b0bc-6c9a-4963-8ea4-3ae644855233" ng-model="designer.parameters" watch-list="designer.watchList" ng-change="updateParams = designer.parameters" ></ma-watch-list-parameters> <div layout="row" layout-wrap="" layout-align="start stretch"> <div flex="100" flex-gt-md="33" layout="column" ng-if="designer.points | filter:{deviceName:'Reservoir'}:false | maFirst" ng-repeat="res in designer.points | filter:{name:'Level'}:false"> <md-card> <md-toolbar class="md-whiteframe-1dp md-hue-3"> <div class="md-toolbar-tools"> <h2 flex=""> <span>{{ res.deviceName }} </span> </h2> </div> </md-toolbar> <md-card-content> <div flex="100" layout="row"> <div layout="column" flex="50"> <h2> Level:</h2> <ma-point-value style=" font-weight: bolder; font-size: 25px;" enable-popup="right" point="res"></ma-point-value> </div> <div class="flex"> <img ng-src="/rest/v2/file-stores/default/img/Reservoir.svg" style="z-index:-2 width: 200px; height: 150px;"> </div> </div> </md-card-content> </md-card> </div> <div fl
If I manually enter the url with ?site=Beryl for eg it works
but when i click on my button on the overview page i get this in the URL: /ui/mbombela/site-viewer?site=Beryl&site=Beryl
but the site viewer page does not work. it still uses the watchlist default.
Hope i explained correctly -
@craigweb I'm going to have to refer you to
I need version numbers and ideally a reduced example showing the issue clearly. Its hard for me to follow exactly what is going on with your code in particular because you have multiple watchlists. I realize this is a pain but its the quickest way for me to help you.
Quick things that I noticed -
- You should be using
instead of<ma-ui-state-params>
, the ui version is deprecated and will be removed. Sorry this is used on the help page, I will remove this. - Case matters, i noticed you have used
edit. Also its worth noting the new attribute on the watch list components,
You can do something like this if your designer parameter names and the state params (url params) are exactly the same.<ma-watch-list-get auto-state-params="true">
This will use the url parameters to set the watch list parameters and update the url when you change the watchlist parameters.
- You should be using
<ma-watch-list auto-state-params="true">
Did the trick, thank you for that. Just one other thing thats got me now. when I put a variable inside a button eg:
<md-button> {{p.deviceName}}</md-button>
it goes to all upper case. not sure if this is supposed to or not ?
That sounds like a CSS styling to me.
text-transform: uppercase;
is on the md-button class in material design's CSS.