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New User, no UI displaying at regular login
I create a new user as "Bogota", When I am in the admin user and I do switch to my user Bogota, I don't have any problem, but, when I logout of my user admin and login of the user Bogota, the window doesn't show nothing.
Thank by your help
Hi Fabier,
Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing?
My suspicion is that you've removed all the user's permissions groups. Try adding 'user' as a permission for Bogota while logged in as admin, and see if that helps.
The next screenshot show when I do switch to my user Bogota:
If I try logout and next login I get this window:
This is my configuration the users permissions:
Can you post what permissions groups you have on the Bogota user?
Also your permissions in the /ui/administration/edit-menu will influence this.
I am seeing something similar, with this in my log output:
WARN 2018-03-15T10:18:32,895 ( - Client error [user=whatever, cause=<div ui-view="" layout="column" flex="" class="main-application ng-cloak" ng-class="stateNameClass" data-ng-animate="1">, location=http://localhost:8080/ui/data-point-details/, userAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.162 Safari/537.36, language=en-US, date=2018-03-15T10:18:32.890-06:00, timezone=America/Denver] TypeError: this.defaultStoreObject is not a function at new Menu (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/ui/services/menu.js?v=1520977928:109:41) at MenuProvider.MenuFactory [as $get] (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/ui/services/menu.js?v=1520977928:436:16) at Object.invoke (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/vendor/angular/angular.js?v=1520977928:44:390) at null (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/vendor/angular/angular.js?v=1520977928:46:155) at d (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/vendor/angular/angular.js?v=1520977928:43:309) at e (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/vendor/angular/angular.js?v=1520977928:44:39) at Object.invoke (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/vendor/angular/angular.js?v=1520977928:44:124) at O.instance (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/vendor/angular/angular.js?v=1520977928:95:50) at p (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/vendor/angular/angular.js?v=1520977928:69:407) at f (http://localhost:8080/modules/mangoUI/web/vendor/angular/angular.js?v=1520977928:62:388)
But if I add the 'user' permission group back to my user, all is well.
The cause of this is the read permissions in the jsonData table. As your admin user, go to the JSON store item in the Administration menu and add Bogota as having read permission to the mangoUI-menu, then you won't need the 'user' permission group on that user, probably.
@phildunlap Thank very much, The problem was resolved