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How to poll points from iSTAT6 ( thermostat
I'm having a problem poll the points from iSTAT6 (Full-featured intelligent thermostat) and bring it to Mango. I'm using USB-RS485 serial
We have not tried to poll istat directly.. We use an inet controller hub.. Here is a test bed with two istats over RS485 into an inet which I poll continuously with no issues
There should be no issue polling the iSATA directly and I've had MangoES units on networks of 10+ with no issues. Your error is a com port error. Try disabling the data source before you use the test tools. Also, I think the ISTAT default to baud of 19.2k. Your max read register count will probably need to be set to 75.
Hi ibra,
I wonder from the message under the read tool if your comm port ID has changed. Can you hit the green refresh arrow new to the Port in the configuration you posted and confirm it is the right COM port?
The Scan Nodes tool is really doing a read request for holding register 0. So, that register must be readable for the scan tool to come back with a result, and it may take a while for higher slave numbered devices (it queries them sequentially with timeouts and retries as configured).
@joelhaggar Thanks for your reply, this what I'm trying is to poll the points directly but no success. Can you check it for me if I give you access to my computer?
@phildunlap I did hit the green refresh still the same com5, thanks
@joelhaggar said in How to poll points from iSTAT6 ( thermostat:
I don't have MangoES unit, is it possible to poll points directly without it?
BTW, I'm new to automation -
Hi ibra,
It looks like the error message that we're seeing is somewhat misleading. The tools on that page will all report the same error if they fail to initialize the modbus master, whether it be because another user on the PC is using the serial port or insufficient user permission etc. I created a github issue for this: and I believe Modbus 3.3.1 should be out today or tomorrow with better error messages. Then we can probably figure out what is happening.
Modbus 3.3.1 was released today. It should give you more meaningful error messages in those tools.
Hi Phildunlap
The issue solved, I just reboot my PC and then everything fine. the issue now I have sometimes the com port switch itself from com 5 to com 2 but then I have to press the refresh button to go back to com 5.
thanks -
Huh. Thanks for sharing what solved it for you!