OPC DA settable tags always false
When using the OPC DA module, all the tags indicate "false" in the "settable" column. This is a problem for me because I want to set values in the data points associated to the tags. They really have "write" access (I don't have any problem with read access).
I did some research and I have found it that very old versions of Mango allowed to manually edit data points. I have tested one of this old versions and I was able to manually edit a new data point with "settable" set to true. It worked well and I was able to set a value in the data point.
This is my first question in this forum. Let me know if there is something wrong.
Best regards,
Daniel. -
Hi Daniel,
Personally, I have had few (if any) chances to interact with an OPC device, and I can't comment on why the OPC data source is that way.
I can say that the validation for OPC data points on import is less controlled than through the UI. So, if you want to export your OPC data point, change its pointLocator.settable from false to true, and import it again, it will be considered settable by Mango.
There is code in the OPCDataSourceRT to set point values out, so maybe it will work and the only mystery is why that checkbox is disabled.
Hi Phil,
Thanks for your response.
It worked! I exported my data points (json format). I modified the json file, removed my points from mango and imported the modified file.I tested with my device and it worked.
Thanks again! -
Great! Glad to hear it! We'll have to look into why the UI is as it is.