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How to Publisher data point type HTTP Image to another mango.
Hi Phildunlap
Mango Persistent, it available in mango license version.
I need to try it. How can i get the license for 30 days for 2 GUID.
if you please me :) -
You could try it on a free 2.8.8 Mango, or you can email your two GUIDs in with some information about why you want a trial license, and then we can grant you that.
Thank you very much.
@thirawad You can also email your GUID and request a trial license which will be sent back to you. You can find your GUID on under Administration > Modules.
Thank your very much for your support.
let me prepare and send GUIDs for request a trial licese.So back in to the main topic about Publisher data point type HTTP image
for now , i'm try to checking in publisher -> Mango Persistent TCP
on my mango unlicensed type :
modules core version 3.2.2+20171009170034
modules persistent version 3.2.1
I see the data source type numeric, binary but don't have image type to publish.
Let me show in picture below
Is depend on license or not?
or Mango persistent TCP still can't send the data point type image.Thank you for read, help and share.
Hi thirawad,
Well, it looks like you may be the first person trying this in a long time.
I tried it, and I discovered the points are not in that table! They should be! I will fix this. However, you can still import the publisher with the XID for the image point, and so long as you don't use those tables to modify the points again (since the image will be missing), you should be fine. Here's the git issue:
I also discovered the data point details page errors if an image is from a type of data source other than HTTP image. But, you can correct this error by modifying or replacing Mango/web/WEB-INF/snippet/imageValueThumbnail.jsp to be the same as the latest in the repository:
With these two steps, I was able to publish images through the Persistent Publisher.
Hi phildunlap
clever! and thank you very much for your tried.
so, because of your mango is very well, i'm very interesting.
let me checking by your suggestions.Thank you for read, help and share.
Hi Phildunlan
it is very well, you are clever and make me happy.
so the mango persistent working good!
for clearly the step to publish HTTP image as belowstep1: (mango in raspberry pi) add mango persistent TCP for get publish xid and setting Host, Port and Authorization key. this step we can add all data point except image
step2 (need only for add image to persistent) if we have data point xid of image already. go to Administration/configuration import/export and export.
setp3 copy code to text edit and insert xid of image directly with the same format.
copy all code and paste back to the configuration and import.
step4 modifying or replacing Mango/web/WEB-INF/snippet/imageValueThumbnail.jsp to be the same as the latest in the repository:
with 4 step mango in raspberry pi well published to the host.
step5 (on PC) setup mango persistent TCP data source to receive. set some port and authorization same as on sender setting (raspberry pi) and test get status.
all data point form sender side add automatically in to your PC and we got image :)
Thank you Mr.Phildunlap again for your help.
Thank you for read, help and share.
Hi thirawad,
Thank you for documenting the solution so clearly. Image points will appear in the publisher's table in 3.3, but this will be helpful until that is released, for sure!