About Slave Connection
I am using bac4j and bacnet newly. I want to make a connection to bacnet as a slave. The SlaveDeviceTest examples is working good. But there are some question about that
Q1- When I make a connection to bacnet as a slave, the device created on network 0(on local network). How can I create on other network(Network 1 or 2 ...)Q2-The Analog Output was Created in SlaveDeviceTest example. But When I try the this output to write from out application "Write access denied" message occured. (The Analog Input is working good. I can see input values)
I hope You can help me
Thank you for your interest -
Q1) My understanding is that the local device does not specify source address information. This is added by a router when the request is destined for a remote network. So, there is no need to specify this information.
Q2) An Analog Output is read only. You can only write to Analog Input and Analog Value (of the 3 Analog types). Same goes for Binary and Multistate. So, the write access denied error is correct.
@mlohbihler said:
Q2) An Analog Output is read only. You can only write to Analog Input and Analog Value (of the 3 Analog types). Same goes for Binary and Multistate. So, the write access denied error is correct.
I would like to ask if there's any reason for Analog Output to be read-only ?
The real-life analogy is, e.g. an outdoor temperature. You can only read it - you can't change it (realistically). In cases like this having a read-only type is appropriate.