MangoNoSQL- Pointvalues table is empty
When I run sql statement select * from pointvalues in mango sql console, the pointvalues table is empty. I have a backup copy of MangoSQL but it has extension .data format. I want to access the pointvalues table.
1.What should I need to do to view the pointvalues table?
2.Is it possible to attach the data file into H2 database so that I can execute the query for the pointvalues table in mango sql console?
3.Is there any specific setting need to be configured for MangoNoSQL in the help will be appreciated. Thanks
When you are using the Mango NoSQL database the data is not stored in the pointvalues table and rather in the NoSQL database. See this video for more information: The .data files are the NoSQL files where the data is stored. The number like refers to the date range within the file and the folder number it is in is the data point ID that relates to the dataPoint table.