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How to access Rest API Login Endpoint using VBA
How can access the Rest API Login endpoint using VBA code? Do you have a simple sample codes for this kind of access?
Thank you very much.Regards,
Mok Kiew -
Hi Mok Kiew,
I've never written any VBA and very little VB personally, but I think this stackoverflow thread does some general API type stuff, and it does contain some information about setting headers:
You'll want to do a GET to
or another user with the password in a header named "password" which will get you a response with a Set-Cookie header if successful. You'll have to pass that header's value as the "Cookie" header in subsequent requests.You may need to include the XSRF-TOKEN portion of the Cookie under the X-Xsrf-Token header, as well. If this is required you'll have a 403 Forbidden response when using just the Cookie header.
Someone else may chime in with an example script. Good luck!
To add to what phildunlap said, you must include 'application/json' in the accepts header.
If basing your code on the question and answers on that stackoverflow page, you would need to add the following line before invoking the send method:
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "accept", "application/json"