Problems with Alphanumeric values on serotonin persistent.
We are having some problems with passing alphanumeric values over mango Serotonin while using MySQL database. Namely, I'm able to see the point value and the point value is cached, but it's not written to the MySQL database. I don't seem to have the same problem for numeric values. There is a rarely occurring Write timeout in the logs, but it seems sporadic. Any advice?
Can you check the logging settings for the alphanumeric points on the data source (receiver)? It should have defaulted to "All Data" if automatically created, but if you created the alphanumeric points manually it is possible they have a template or different logging type.
You may also want to check the 'save realtime data' is enabled or not on the data source. It is offered an an option to help with the differing logging between the publisher and the receiver and maximizing efficiency in certain sync'ing situations. I'm guessing you want it enabled.