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Scheduling for TOU calculation.
Is it possible to setup a schedule like for example in Niagara where one can bind values of the scheduled time to a multiplier for example. We have a project to log energy consumption and need a schedule to calculate time of use as some meters do not support this function.
There are two ways you can do this. 1. is to create a scheduled event and then in your event handler you can use a set point handler to change the value of a point based on the event being active or inactive.
You can also use the scripting data source to write a script to do this. Let me know if that helps.
But that means we cannot input our public holidays etc. as the billing tariffs are different on these days.
I think the best way to do this currently would be to use a scripting data source. You could create a list of your public holidays and then check the current time against that list of the day of the week. If you are not too experienced with JavaScript this might be challenging for your first script to write. I think this would be a pretty useful script to have in our library so I'll see if we can find time this week to put this together for you.
That would be great!
Hi Joel,
Here is a link to a typical ToU yearly schedule . Some countries uses 4 tariffs. What i have seen in energy meters (from North America) first the seasons are setup (12 are available) and then these seasons are linked to the schedule (14 are available). The weekend should either be ignored or setup to bill a different schedule on Sunday or Saturday and Sunday. Usually there are 30 public holiday entries which can be linked to a schedule - if the holiday falls on a Sunday it should be possible to shift the scheduled billing to Monday.
I hope this helps.
Terry and I talked about this briefly today. Here is how we think it might work and let me know if this fits with your requirements.
In the script you would set your on and off peak times of day for week days
You would then also create a list of "holidays".The script would check the current day against the list holidays. If it is a holiday then the off peak price will be use. If it not a holiday or a weekend it will check the current time against the on and off peak times and return the appropriate price.
If a holiday for next year falls on a different day of the year you would need to manually adjust this in the script for the following year.
If you can clarify how many different pricing categories there are if there are more than just on and off peak that would be great?
You should have 4 tariffs called - Peak, Off-Peak, Normal, Valley (1=Peak 2=Off-Peak 3=Normal 4=Valley) - Then you should have 14x 24hour Schedules 1-14. Each schedule you can link to a season for example you have 2 seasons one from September - May the other from June - August. Let assume weekend are not charged at at different rate for now.
In the software you would link the season to a schedule something like this (DD-MM scheduleNumber) 01-06 1 (1 June uses Schedule number 1), 01-09 2 (1 September uses Schedule number 2)
Let assume the Schedule for season 1 look like this
Schedule number 1 (linked to Season 1 above): It should have 14 time slots (HH:MM ID=Tariff to uses 1-4)
slot1: 00:00 2 slot2: 05:00 1 slot3: 07:00 4 slot4: 12:00 1 slot5: 17:00 4 slot:6 20:00 1 slot7: 21:00 2 (time slot 8-14 not used)Let assume the Schedule for season 2 look like this
Schedule number 2 (linked to Season 2 above): It should have 14 time slots (HH:MM ID=Tariff to uses 1-4)
slot1: 00:00 2 slot2: 06:00 1 slot3: 08:00 4 slot4: 13:00 1 slot5: 18:00 4 slot6: 21:00 1 slot7: 21:00 2 (time slot 8-14 not used)It should be possible to active the weekend scheduler for Sunday, Saturday or Both separately. e.g Saturday and Sunday is active you should be able to link Saturday to one of the schedules 1-14 and link Sunday to one of the schedules 1-14 similar to the above.
If holiday scheduling is enabled then this should also be linked to a schedule 1-14 similar to the above.
When you run this on a kWh point it should give you the totals for the current month or any past month for kWh consumed in Peak, Off-Peak, Normal and Valley time periods.
Does this make sense?