MySQL database backup
Is it OK to run a mysqldump backup of Mango's mySQL database while mango is still running?
Yes, that is totally fine. If the database becomes very large (pointValues and events tables) you could run into problems if the system isn't fast enough to complete the dump. If you are using MySQL and the MangoNoSQL and you insure your events table doesn't get out of control the dumps will be super fast.
Great, that's fine.
I am using NoSQL, how big roughly does an events table have to be to get 'out of control'..?
It depends on your system hardware but it's usually if it get's into the millions of records that you would see problems in the Mango UI. If it's in the 10-50K range you'll have no problems. Just remember there is a big difference to "None" and "Do Not Log" Alarm levels. None alarm levels will still be logged. You have fine grain control over how you purge your events on the system setting page as well which helps get rid of the un needed events.