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Request for multiple-register reading example
Hi mlohbihler
Would it be too much to ask for an example of reading multiple registers at once?
bkhashfeh asked for the same thing, but aparently he quit looking so I decided to open this new topic and ask for an example.The only wat I've figured out to do this is this way:
for(int i = 0; i<3; i++) {
Register* = master.getValue(1,40001+i,DataType.TWO_BYTE_INT_UNSIGNED);
}And It worked pretty well with three registers but I don't find it pretty atractive if I want to control the sample time with the master for a considerable amount of registers.
Thanks in advance. -
Check out the sendBatch method.
Hey thanks :D. And I don't feel bad 'cause that code is really strange to me. I'd never figured it out by myself.