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Script error: ???globalScript.rhinoException(i18n_fr)???
I have installed Mango (2.0.6) on a Debian server (6.0.7) with java 7u21.
The hardware is Microclient Sr (,d.ZGU)I was able to setup a HTTP Retriever that gets values from counters from an IPX800 RTU (;it works.
I want now to use a scripting datasource to do some calculation on this counters. I'm trying to calculate the power used every hours in kWh using the HTTP retreiver (DP_812785).
What ever I write in the script window and test I get the same error:???globalScript.rhinoException(i18n_fr)???
My debian install is in French. It looks like there is an internationalization issue but I don't really know where to look to solve the problem.
Thank you very much for your help
Here is an export of the scripting datasource:
"cronPattern":"0 0/15 * * * ?",
"script":"return p1.value;",