How to Make a Translation Module for Mango Automation
Making a Translation Module for Mango Automation is really easy (assuming you know another language)
For a good example to follow use the Portuguese Translation module: - pt
Edit the following parameters in the file:
name= version= locales= description= descriptionKey= documentation=
Place your new html help files in the dox folder according to the "documentation=" property. These files need to match the same name as you will find in the core web\WEB-INF\dox and modules \web\dox folders
Edit the i18n._<your locales=>.properties file in the /classes folder.
You can use the English i18n files you will find in the core** /classes** and modules in** /classes** folders as a reference and copy the English properties to your new i18n file to help do the translation.
Compile your module and test it out. Please post here if you need any more guidance, we are happy to help if needed.
Hello Joel,
The link is not available now. Could you check:" - pt"
Many thanks!
Jack Chang