Data format conversion with meta data source
Hi all,
I have a problem.
How can I convert a value (x.value) into format IEEE 32 float?
I have not found an example in the help to make a script, can someone please give me a hand?Thank you very much.
Values are stored internally as such anyway. But you can do things like this:
var d = 3; return java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d);
This returns the bits of the FP value in a long integer.
I'm sorry.
I have not explained well.
My problem is this:
I have two word type 2 byte unsigned integer (for example, x.value and y.value) and I get a variable 32 IEEE float.
How can I achieve this by writing a script in a meta data source?thank you very much
Still not sure i understand, but maybe you need something more like this: Float.intBitsToFloat()
If not, maybe you can post an example of exactly what x and y are, and what you need them to become.