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Modbus problem
I've been having a recent issue and I'm in the need for some help, if there's someone who can help it will be greatly appreciated.
I've set up a DGBox and I have 1 serial modbus RTU line connected via one of the USB ports using an RS-485-USB converter ( modbus devices I have connected are a Socomec Diris A10 electricity meter ( and also a Novus Digirail-4C Digital Input Counter (
When the Data Source is enabled and i have only the electricity meter connected i get readings back, although i always get fault messages like 'Feb 12 16:57 - No response from slave 1 (8024 occurrences, most recent at 07:31:18)'. When i have only the digirail connected i get a similar outcome. But when i connect both i get no readings at all, just fault messages on both devices.
Data Source Configuration is as follows,
Bit Rate, 9600
Flow control in, none
Flow control out, none
Data bits, 8
Stop bits, 1
Parity, Even
Encoding, RTU
Echo, Off
Concurrency, Slave
Timeout, 500 ms
Retries 3A10 Meter (26 data points)
slave address, 1
baud, 9600
parity, even
stop bits, 1
data bits, 8Digirail (2 data points)
slave address, 11
baud, 9600
parity, even
stop bits, 1
data bits, 8I did have slave addresses of 1 & 2 but that also did not work so i changed one of them to see of it helped, but it did not. Devices are being polled at a 30 seconds frequency.
I really don't know what is going on.
Hope you can help me out.
Iain -
This is not a DGBox forum.