MSSQL 2008
Any further developments on this. I find it hard to believe
that MS sql has not been successfully used by anyone yet.I am currently running Mango from a virtual XP PC. Do you think this could cause issues?
The issue for upgrading from Derby to MSSQL is because of syntax issues in the code.
The issue for just straight up using MSSQL as a clean install is because it looks like the Watchlist module he is using has some database design issues. We are aware of this and plan to resolve these issues. If you don't need the watch list module and can live with a clean install you could remove the Watchlist and it should work. You can export your configuration from Derby and then once on a clean install on MSSQL you can import the configuration. Sorry about the inconvenience, evidently we don't have anyone using MSSQL at the moment. I will let you know when the issues are resolved.
Thank you for getting back to me. What exactly is the watch list module used for?
Will I be able to transfer my dglux design across to the new database
With the Watch List you can organize a list of data points to watch in real time and generate a combined chart. Yes you will be able to use your DGLux dashboards.
OK i have been able to start a new install of mango successfully with an MSSQL database. The only problem now is the GUID doesnt match my license. How can I fix this? Hopefully i wont have to purchase a new license.
Also, would the MSSQL convert work for the already established Mango installation if I disabled the Watch List module or did this only work because it is a fresh install?
ok another query. How can i copy my DGLux installation across from my other Mango GUID. I tried copying the entire DGLux folder to the ...\web\modules folder but now I have no DGLux at all in Mango.
Ok here I am now using a clean database and I am presented with the following error when I open the data sources page:
Server error: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT,,dp.xid,dp.dataSourceId,,dp.deviceName,dp.enabled,dp.pointFolderId,dp.loggingType,dp.intervalLoggingPeriodType,dp.intervalLoggingPeriod,dp.intervalLoggingType,dp.tolerance,dp.purgeOverride,dp.purgeType,dp.purgePeriod,dp.defaultCacheSize,dp.discardExtremeValues,dp.engineeringUnits,,ds.xid,ds.dataSourceType FROM dataPoints AS dp join dataSources ds on = dp.dataSourceId ORDER BY dp.deviceName, OFFSET ? ROWS FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY]; nested exception is Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET'. Server error: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT id,xid,name,dataSourceType,data FROM dataSources ORDER BY name OFFSET ? ROWS FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY]; nested exception is Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET'.
Also, when I open the beta alarms page I am presented with the following error:
Server error: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT,evt.typeName,evt.subtypeName,evt.typeRef1,evt.typeRef2,evt.activeTs,evt.rtnApplicable,evt.rtnTs,evt.rtnCause,evt.alarmLevel,evt.message,evt.ackTs,evt.ackUserId,evt.alternateAckSource,u.username,(select count(1) from userComments where commentType=1 and as cnt ,ue.silenced FROM events AS evt left join users u on left join userEvents ue on WHERE evt.rtnTs IS NULL AND evt.rtnApplicable IN (?) AND evt.ackTs IS NULL AND evt.alarmLevel >= 1 ORDER BY evt.activeTs DESC OFFSET ? ROWS FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY]; nested exception is Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET'.
Part of the GUID is the file path to the MA_HOME folder. Make sure you are using the exact same folder path as before and your GUID should remain the same. I think for now you should use MYSQL while we sort out the issues with MSSQL.
ok I will use it for now. Can you please explain how to copy my existing DGLux dashboard to a new Mango installation
Depending on your DGLux licensing, you can either save the dashboard to disk and reopen it elsewhere, or you can directly copy the dgml files over. They can be found in MANGO_HOME/web/modules/dglux/web/dgml