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Remote viewing of graphic views
Hi everybody,
I managed to install Mango and to conect to an OPC server and I have made some graphical views but somehow I can not figure out how to look at that views from another computer or from localhost but without loging in into Mango.
I am guessing that I have to vrite some different address in web browser. For example if a login page is "http://localhost:8080/login.htm" what would be the addres for the first graphic view named "view_one"? Of course, mabey what I just said does not make any sense at all :)
Thank you for your help.
Fairly easy once you get the hang of it. Follow these steps:
-Create a graphical view to use
-Set anonymous access on this view to "read"
-Set the export ID (XID) to whatever you want, for example "public"
-In your browser type in "http://localhost:8080/public_view.htm?viewXid=public"Note that Mango/tomcat must be running in the background. Also instead of the Xid you can use the view's name (viewName=name).
Also make sure you have allowed an exception to the firewall.
That worked, thanks. I am messing with Mango for a day or two but it really looks like a great "little" thing, customizable to the bone...
Another question if I may although I am not sure if its Apache or Mango thing.
If I can remotly accsess graphic views from PC (Firefox, IE, Chrome) or from Nokia (Opera Mini) but from HTC or Nokia (with default browser) I get:
"System Error - The connection was refused by the host!"
Could that be issue with browser type mabey? Mabey with the way how browser handles address since I do not enter domain but IP directly.
For example "http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/pubic_view.htm?viewXid=one" like I wrote, works from Opera Mini on smartphones or Firefox but not from default browser in for example HTC or Nokia.
If it works from some browsers but not others, it's likely a browser thing, not Apache or Mango.